Poll Are you glad that you were born in the 20th century? (41 votes)
I'm sure it's safe to say most of us here were born in the mid to late 20th century. I was born in 1992, so obviously that puts me at the late 20th century. And I'm glad as hell that I was born in an emerging technologically booming age (in a developed country to top if off) as opposed to dying of the Black Plague in 1350s Europe because a rat bit me on the ass. Chances are, if you were born in a medieval time period, you were born into a peasant family licking the boots of some asshole king while pissing around in a wheat field.
Even if you were living in as recent as the early 20th century, depending on where you were, your city was getting bombed by airplanes or your country was getting invaded or you were infected with the Spanish Flu virus. Or you were just poor as ****. Before the invention of penicillin and other medicines, you'd probably die of some shitty disease before you turned 40. A large percentage of people couldn't even read or write in many places back then. And I hate to say it, but religion controlled the lives of pretty much everyone throughout most of the 2nd millennium. They all lived their lives in fear because of it.
I'm glad I can live my life without the constant fear of being killed by a disease or another human. I have plenty of food, water, and a roof under my head. I have video games, a computer that provides lots of entertainment, and a warm bed. :) When I think about it, I just feel really lucky to be born in the time and place I'm in. I also think it's cool as hell that my life spans two millenniums. I was born in the 2nd millennium and lived into the 3rd millennium. :P
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