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My dad is an idiot and he makes my life miserable. He doesn't know how to respect me, and so I don't respect him. He doesn't know how to talk without being an idiot so I just ignore him. Which is why I try staying outside of my house most of the day, but when I come back home he ruins my day.
Same here. My dad makes my life miserable as well. He doesn't talk to me so I don't talk to him.
[QUOTE="Shrapnel99"][QUOTE="TheCrimsonKoopa"]Your a hippie.FireXero
Well put.
[QUOTE="Shrapnel99"][QUOTE="TheCrimsonKoopa"]Your a hippie.FireXero
Well put.
I would unfortuantely even with a decent paying job I barely have an extra money after paying bills to do anything. Do you guys ever think that people are slaves somewhat? I mean think about it these bills and funds we must pay are being giving to corparations that pay the elite of society, while we generate their revenues. Why does paper have value? They just decided it does so now we must work constantly in order to fund their greed?Sounds like you need to get out and venture the world.
Try travelling
Yeah I am tired of this sick an emo :cry:TiJoe6actually I am anything but emo... why don't you address the TOPIC rather then stereotyping? Oh and Wayne's World dude.... yea man that nutmeg works wonders lol. None tonight, but tommorrow I'm trying it out again :)
I'm sick of work. I hate doing the same thing every single day. My mind is rotting. I've got a bachelor's degree, but I'm not done learning. I wish I could get at least one more bachelor's, a master's or two, and a P hD. But I don't have the money to make a career of school... so I'm working full time and taking one class. It's not nearly the same as going to school full time where you experience and learn something new every day. Land of the free... not so much. If you want to have a place to live, access to transportation, food... etc... you've got to enslave yourself to a job. Sucks, but what can you do?Ankaara
[QUOTE="TheCrimsonKoopa"]Your a hippie.Da_lil_PimPThe title of the thread sounded emo:|
[QUOTE="TiJoe6"]Yeah I am tired of this sick an emo :cry:proctorsurfactually I am anything but emo... why don't you address the TOPIC rather then stereotyping? Oh and Wayne's World dude.... yea man that nutmeg works wonders lol. None tonight, but tommorrow I'm trying it out again :) :lol: That's awesome.
That's why parents have kids. They grew up damaged, so they pass down all the crap they had to endure to their offspring, in the hopes they can raise someone who isn't as screwed up as them. Doesn't always work though.
And besides, messing up your kids is an unspoken form of entertainment for them.
[QUOTE="TiJoe6"]Yeah I am tired of this sick an emo :cry:proctorsurfactually I am anything but emo... why don't you address the TOPIC rather then stereotyping? Oh and Wayne's World dude.... yea man that nutmeg works wonders lol. None tonight, but tommorrow I'm trying it out again :)
That's why parents have kids. They grew up damaged, so they pass down all the crap they had to endure to their offspring, in the hopes they can raise someone who isn't as screwed up as them. Doesn't always work though.
And besides, messing up your kids is an unspoken form of entertainment for them.
Actually they have kids because the dude forgot his condom.
[QUOTE="Hallenbeck77"]That's why parents have kids. They grew up damaged, so they pass down all the crap they had to endure to their offspring, in the hopes they can raise someone who isn't as screwed up as them. Doesn't always work though.
And besides, messing up your kids is an unspoken form of entertainment for them.
Actually they have kids because the dude forgot his condom.
[QUOTE="Hallenbeck77"]That's why parents have kids. They grew up damaged, so they pass down all the crap they had to endure to their offspring, in the hopes they can raise someone who isn't as screwed up as them. Doesn't always work though.
And besides, messing up your kids is an unspoken form of entertainment for them.
Actually they have kids because the dude forgot his condom.
[QUOTE="Hallenbeck77"]That's why parents have kids. They grew up damaged, so they pass down all the crap they had to endure to their offspring, in the hopes they can raise someone who isn't as screwed up as them. Doesn't always work though.
And besides, messing up your kids is an unspoken form of entertainment for them.
Actually they have kids because the dude forgot his condom.
Too true, I'm almost positive that's how I was concieved...
I think the topic creater should join the military or a merc group. I doubt there will be any boring repetition there. Just don't get a lag spike, there aren't any respawns.don't even get my started about the military *duck tapes mouth*
[QUOTE="Mkavanaugh77"]I would unfortuantely even with a decent paying job I barely have an extra money after paying bills to do anything. Do you guys ever think that people are slaves somewhat? I mean think about it these bills and funds we must pay are being giving to corparations that pay the elite of society, while we generate their revenues. Why does paper have value? They just decided it does so now we must work constantly in order to fund their greed?Sounds like you need to get out and venture the world.
Try travelling
Money actually gives you more power than we use to have. See before if we wanted something, you'd have to have something of value to rade. Otherwise you'd go without. Money is made as currency that way you can actually get paid for giving someone your services, aka a job. This way, you can actually get services like electricitry and a shelter just by working for someone else. This way you dont have to venture out and hunt for something of value.
Also, we pay all our bills so that we can have the services. Electricity isnt free, it costs manpower and resources to get, and it also costs money to the people in the company who do it (They are offering you a service by making it, so you pay them).
Currency has made the world better and given more power the average joe - Not less.
Well.... I am. I know my life could be worse, but don't you get sick of the repeatitive BS that one must endure throughout the day? Time flies by, but has no substance. Imagine a world where there was no currency just bartering and trading. Everyone would be nomads. Things would be so much better. You would be free to do what you please and go where you please. Rather then saving up all year to go to disney for a weekend. Although we are called the land of the free, I would not agree with that statement. If we were truely free we would be able to live without paper (money) dictating the majorty of out thoughts. Well I'm going a little off topic now, but hey thats the name of the forum! What are your thoughts?proctorsurfMy life can be boring at repetitive at times but it's the life I made for myself. My life can be boring at repetitive at times because i've made it that way.
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