Half of the time you are arguing about a definition. Example off the top of my head: whether a certain piece can be considered "art."
Then you're just arguing what the word "art" means, and that's pointless (me thinkso).
Other times you argue whether something is "better" than another thing. Like games. In almost any situation, personal taste comes into the choice you make. In the case of games, different people like different kinds of them. I freaking hate single player games. Maybe you hate multiplayer games. There is no "better" here. Unless you try to create a system in which you rate games based on whatever, and then calculate betterness that way. I think that's kind of stupid. (that's what GameSpot does, one rating each game)
The only situation I can think of atm where an argument would be worthwhile would be when a decision absolutely had to be made with no in betweens and a debate took place to see which side was better (if there were people on each side of the issue). I'm sure there are times when arguing is necessary though. Opinions about serious things can be leaning to the wrong side heavily enough sometimes that we feel they should be pulled back if it's someone we care about.
Not that I never get into arguments. It's only natural that we get emotions built inside sometimes and can't stop ourselves.
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