I gotta admit, even though I was interested about TRON:Legacy for nostalgia's sake and my interest in Disney movies, 70% of my interest and hype for it was due to Daft Punk's invovelment (you can obviously tell I'm a hardcore fan). Like, how could they possibly top the best night of my life (Alive 2007)? I mean, I even bought the collector's edition of TRON:Evolution and have been keen on any news regarding a sequel or post-promotional content (when's that tour gonna happen?).
On a sidenote, yeah the OST was over-hyped to heck and it definetely was blown outta proportions but it compliments the movie well (not to mention the remix album kinda makes up for it). I always wondered how Derezzed would showcase in it prior to watching the movie and boy oh boy did I headbang like a concert attendee when it came up. Epic moment. The theater's soundsystem made it all the more sweeter.
Mind you, I'm not the "Daft Punk made the movie was it is" kinda fan. But as I stated I was significantly hyped due to their involvement.
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