Atheists if yougot sentto hell after you died what would you do? Im not saying hell exist but if you went to hell. We all know hell doesnt exist but if it did somehow exist I wouldnt know what to do. Im just interested what you would do in that situation.
People know that zombies dont exist but we like talking about what you would do in that situation,I think we need to talk about what you would do if yougot sentto hell after you die and what you would do.
If hell's like christians say it is then I will have to feel all the pain of a fire for all eternity. Just 2 seconds would seem like a eternity of pain. All I would know to do is be scared. I would try to look into myself for the answers to get out of hell and not god.If I sent myself there then there should be a way to get out.
Also what advice would you give to another atheist that got sent to hell?
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