What do you think of the following video:
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He did the right thing.. we need more decorated policeman who act like this man. I commend him for his actions, and hope that he has influenced other police officers across the country. proctorsurf
LOL? I could understand if the kid was doing anything wrong, but judging by the video, the cop went on a power trip, floored him and screamed at him just because he could.
"Cause you go around doing this kind of stuff, someone's gonna kill you!"
For calling someone dude? This guy is a nutjob.
Why do the American people accept this? Cops in other "free countries" don't act like this...
He has no respect for the skater, why should the skater respect him? Because he has a badge? That doesn't earn you respect...it's how you use it. And he uses it like it's his dick...
But it did make me think of this song...
They like to push the weak around..
I hope this cop loses his job over this video.DJ-PRIME90
he knows he was in the wrong, at the end when he asks if the kid has the camera on, he procedes to say "...because if i see myself on you..." had he acted like a normal person the thought of him being filmed would have never crossed his mind
[QUOTE="DJ-PRIME90"]I hope this cop loses his job over this video.g-unit248
he knows he was in the wrong, at the end when he asks if the kid has the camera on, he procedes to say "...because if i see myself on you..." had he acted like a normal person the thought of him being filmed would have never crossed his mind
Well if it takes a camera on him to make him stay in-line, he doesn't deserve to be a cop.Why do the American people accept this? Cops in other "free countries" don't act like this...
He has no respect for the skater, why should the skater respect him? Because he has a badge? That doesn't earn you respect...it's how you use it. And he uses it like it's his dick...
But it did make me think of this song...
They like to push the weak around..
Amazing, another idiotic generalization about the US made on here, what a surprise. You know I guess these supposed "better" countries just have things so under control that they can spend their time complaining about the US and making bogus generalizations.
Dude, it is NOT tolerated at all here. Why in the hell would it be up on youtube and made a big deal of if it was tolerated?
No, truth is we have some extremely cruddy cops that we try and weed out with videos like this. I gaurantee you have much worse than that guy in your local police department, so don't even try and say this is a US only problem.
It is tolerated because they get off the hook all the time and nobody gives a damn.X360PS3AMD05
Oh yes, thats why whenever a vid like this surfaces there is always an uproar.
The only way the get away with it is because if there isn't any video evidence then it tends to go to the victims word against a cops word which is an insanely unfair fight.....
[QUOTE="D9-THC"]Why do the American people accept this? Cops in other "free countries" don't act like this...
He has no respect for the skater, why should the skater respect him? Because he has a badge? That doesn't earn you respect...it's how you use it. And he uses it like it's his dick...
But it did make me think of this song...
They like to push the weak around..
Amazing, another idiotic generalization about the US made on here, what a surprise. You know I guess these supposed "better" countries just have things so under control that they can spend their time complaining about the US and making bogus generalizations.
Dude, it is NOT tolerated at all here. Why in the hell would it be up on youtube and made a big deal of if it was tolerated?
No, truth is we have some extremely cruddy cops that we try and weed out with videos like this. I gaurantee you have much worse than that guy in your local police department, so don't even try and say this is a US only problem.
I mean why did those kids tell the other kid to be quiet? Why did they tolerate his extreme behavior without calling him out on it? We fear the police...they have a right to tell him he's behaving like a mad man.
Cops in America are truly different because we basically live in a police state. The police are becoming more like the military every day. Russia is the only place I can think of where it's worse.
I think all police in America are corrupt (generally...not all...but 70%+) so no need to focus on just my local PD :P I've heard many stories of what they've done to friends of mine and gotten away with it. They really think they're above the law.
[QUOTE="Thechaninator"][QUOTE="D9-THC"]Why do the American people accept this? Cops in other "free countries" don't act like this...
He has no respect for the skater, why should the skater respect him? Because he has a badge? That doesn't earn you respect...it's how you use it. And he uses it like it's his dick...
But it did make me think of this song...
They like to push the weak around..
Amazing, another idiotic generalization about the US made on here, what a surprise. You know I guess these supposed "better" countries just have things so under control that they can spend their time complaining about the US and making bogus generalizations.
Dude, it is NOT tolerated at all here. Why in the hell would it be up on youtube and made a big deal of if it was tolerated?
No, truth is we have some extremely cruddy cops that we try and weed out with videos like this. I gaurantee you have much worse than that guy in your local police department, so don't even try and say this is a US only problem.
I mean why did those kids tell the other kid to be quiet? Why did they tolerate his extreme behavior without calling him out on it? We fear the police...they have a right to tell him he's behaving like a mad man.
Cops in America are truly different because we basically live in a police state. The police are becoming more like the military every day. Russia is the only place I can think of where it's worse.
I think all police in America are corrupt (generally...not all...but 70%+) so no need to focus on just my local PD :P I've heard many stories of what they've done to friends of mine and gotten away with it. They really think they're above the law.
You tell people to shut up when a cop is talking to keep from possibly criminating yourself. It is the smart way to do things. THe right to remain silent is there for a reason.
Cops are corrupt EVERYWHERE. I do not know why anyone would think this is an American thing.....
You tell people to shut up when a cop is talking to keep from possibly criminating yourself. It is the smart way to do things. THe right to remain silent is there for a reason.
Cops are corrupt EVERYWHERE. I do not know why anyone would think this is an American thing.....
Because people in other countries don't deal with this kind of abuse of power. We are on the verge of a police state and people don't speak up and say anything. It's just "yes sir...whatever you say sir...right away sir..."
But, Mr. Speaker, my subject today is whether America is a police state. I'm sure the large majority of Americans would answer this in the negative. Most would associate military patrols, martial law and summary executions with a police state, something obviously not present in our everyday activities. However, those with knowledge of Ruby Ridge, Mount Carmel and other such incidents may have a different opinion.
The principal tool for sustaining a police state, even the most militant, is always economic control and punishment by denying disobedient citizens such things as jobs or places to live, and by levying fines and imprisonment. The military is more often used in the transition phase to a totalitarian state. Maintenance for long periods is usually accomplished through economic controls on commercial transactions, the use of all property, and political dissent. Peaceful control through these efforts can be achieved without storm troopers on our street corners.Ron Paul
[QUOTE="Thechaninator"]You tell people to shut up when a cop is talking to keep from possibly criminating yourself. It is the smart way to do things. THe right to remain silent is there for a reason.
Cops are corrupt EVERYWHERE. I do not know why anyone would think this is an American thing.....
Because people in other countries don't deal with this kind of abuse of power. We are on the verge of a police state and people don't speak up and say anything. It's just "yes sir...whatever you say sir...right away sir..."
lmao so trying to be respectful of the law means we are in a police state?
Seriously, you have no idea what a police state is, do you? Yes people deal with abuse of power. Hell, not too long ago there was a whole ordeal where some Canadian cops tasered a foreigner to death who had been stuck at the airport for 10 hours, with noone who could trasnlate for him (BTW that was entirely the airports fault). He flipped out and threw a chair or 2 at a wall. COps come walking up and you can very audibly hear one of the cops ask for permission to use the taser. They pretty much just walked up and tasered the guy even though he stopped and tried to do what the cops had said (he was actually moving towards where they were pointing him to stand when they tasered him for no reason). On top of that they tasered him a second time on the ground and then proceeded to sit on his kness in a way that they pushed up against his chest.
You want a polic state, look to Nazi Germany. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. The fact that cops like this get brought to court and get into trouble shows that we aren't a police state. When evidence is there, they aren't getting away.
As irritating as skaters are, that guy clearly had a case of Mall Security Syndrome.syztem
hahaha im gonna remember that line, its awesome
Even if there is evidence and the victims get money, a cop can still keep his job. Look at the video by that other guy who was an eyewitness. X360PS3AMD05
They get suspended and get retrained after like the first time I think. If it is a bigger deal or a repeat offense then they lose their jobs.
Dunno about everyone else, but I have never met a good cop in my life.Brmarlin
I have.
Me and a couple of friends of mine were walking around town at 1 or 2 in the morning and a cop pulled up to check us out.
I believe there is a curfew for minors, so we were technically breaking the law. He talked to us for a minute, asked us where we were going, and asked us if we were going to vandalize anything. He let us keep on going and just told us to stay out of trouble.
I also had a cop who made a big fuss about me and a friend of mine swimming at the boat lauch by our house when it was really dark. He took us back to my house and talked to my parents and was very frustrated.
His partner ended up apologizing for him and explained that he had recently dealt with a young boy who drowned.
THere are cops with hearts who are genuinely out there to protect us, but they just aren't the ones who usually make the news.
He did the right thing.. we need more decorated policeman who act like this man. I commend him for his actions, and hope that he has influenced other police officers across the country. proctorsurfWtf, the kid didnt do a damn thing and the cop floored him and screamed in his face. Bet you wouldnt think a pig was doing the right damn thing if that happened to you. Youre disgusting.
[QUOTE="proctorsurf"]He did the right thing.. we need more decorated policeman who act like this man. I commend him for his actions, and hope that he has influenced other police officers across the country. sarminiWtf, the kid didnt do a damn thing and the cop floored him and screamed in his face. Bet you wouldnt think a pig was doing the right damn thing if that happened to you. Youre disgusting.lighten up there.... I was being sarcastic...
[QUOTE="sarmini"][QUOTE="proctorsurf"]He did the right thing.. we need more decorated policeman who act like this man. I commend him for his actions, and hope that he has influenced other police officers across the country. proctorsurfWtf, the kid didnt do a damn thing and the cop floored him and screamed in his face. Bet you wouldnt think a pig was doing the right damn thing if that happened to you. Youre disgusting.lighten up there.... I was being sarcastic...
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