I personally play basketball at a recreational level. I'm not a pro per say, but I do take it seriously and believe that certain advantages matter. However, it has come to my attention that basketball shoe designers and companies are making a big deal out of shoe weight. Now I'm not exactly sure when lightness in a shoe became a big deal for basketball, but it wasn't always like this. You've got shoes like the Adidas Crazy Light & Crazy Light 2 being the "lightest basketball shoes ever", but let's sit back for a moment and ask ourselves - does weight really even matter? Now if the shoes weighed over 1lbs then I would definately think otherwise, but the average basketball shoe weighs 15 ounces. Are basketball makers trying to convince us that shedding 5 - 6 oz off of a shoe is gonna make a big difference? Quite frankly, unless a shoe weighs over 30 oz then I really think it isn't going make one bit of difference performance wise. In my experience it's traction, durability, ankle support, cushioning, & comfort that matters in a shoe. But weight? Really? Call me crazy, but if I was wearing shoes that weighed 9.5 oz I'd feel like it would fall apart or break at any moment, which is a big deal to me if I'm dropping more than $100 on a pair of shoes. I personally find the Adidas Crazy Lights a marketing gimmick more than a performance shoe, because the last time I checked 9.8 oz shoe isn't going to be any different than a 15 oz shoe when dunking. Maybe running, but not jumping...
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