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The purpose of this post is to have a good discussion and share advice on summer jobs. Summer is fast apporaching and I know I will have to find a job so im starting to consider my options. Last year i worked as a busser at a pretty bad resturaunt that was horribly run and im determined to not fall into that predicement again. Except for Chik Fil A, I have heard negative thoughts on most fast food places of employement. I understand that the people who are employed along side you make a huge impact on you enjoyment factor but in general, whats the best jobs?gamerguy31315I work at a McDonald's. I get paid complete crap (20 cents above minimum wage), but it's a great job. I usually look foward to going to work because it's a laid back environment, and I get to talk to my co-workers all day. I've been working there for the past two years and I don't regret it.
I started working at my local Paintball fields at the beginning of the summer and I loved it. But if yours has an indoor field, don't stay for the winter. It get's bad.TheManOfChoice
i had actually been considering this. My local course is INDOORS only and i dont really play paintball because of how expensive it is, quite fun though.
[QUOTE="TheManOfChoice"]I started working at my local Paintball fields at the beginning of the summer and I loved it. But if yours has an indoor field, don't stay for the winter. It get's bad.gamerguy31315
i had actually been considering this. My local course is INDOORS only and i dont really play paintball because of how expensive it is, quite fun though.
Well then I'd say go do it for 3-6 months. The benefits of working at a Paintball place are amazing. Cheap everything. You'll be shocked at how much everything actually costs.
for a couple summers in a row, i worked at the local grocery store. depending on your local grocery store, this could be the best decision you ever make or the worst (regarding jobs, of course). everyone i worked with was AT LEAST fifty+ yrs older than me and ONLY spoke vietnamese. you pretty much have to stand behind a register ALLLLL DAY if you're a cashier. and that sucks. there weren't even any employee benefits.
however, if your boss is really chill, he'll have you out on the floor stocking. and that really means you're getting paid to walk around and do nothing.
in short, you probably shouldn't work there. look for something that has benefits and is easily accessible. i don't know if there's a YMCA around you, but you could try that. there's usually spots open in the summer time for child care, lifeguard, camp counseler, etc. etc.
i worked in a kitchen for my first job i stayed there for a while til it went out of business. it had company picnics kind of fun,
then i worked at a insurance place in the mailroom. that was good but it was the same thing over and over. i took a cart full of
mail went on different floors giving people mail. now i have a part time weekly job in a graphic department at a logo place.
they put designs on presses i just cut the design out of the sticky paper thing. i am going to work full time at the mail room place agian.
[QUOTE="gamerguy31315"]The purpose of this post is to have a good discussion and share advice on summer jobs. Summer is fast apporaching and I know I will have to find a job so im starting to consider my options. Last year i worked as a busser at a pretty bad resturaunt that was horribly run and im determined to not fall into that predicement again. Except for Chik Fil A, I have heard negative thoughts on most fast food places of employement. I understand that the people who are employed along side you make a huge impact on you enjoyment factor but in general, whats the best jobs?Xx_CYC756_xXI work at a McDonald's. I get paid complete crap (20 cents above minimum wage), but it's a great job. I usually look foward to going to work because it's a laid back environment, and I get to talk to my co-workers all day. I've been working there for the past two years and I don't regret it.
Lol, so do I except we're the #1 McD's in Ontario so yeh a little bit more pressure but I get paid 9.50$ mmm mmm.
worst - detasseling/farmwork, and telemarketing. Basically detasseling is walking through a cornfield and pulling the tops off of corn stalks. It's about the only steady under 16 work in my area. It sucked because it's the middle of summer, and you're stuck in a corn field with fungus, bugs, mud, and hot ass weather. Farmwork ends up being the same as detasseling, but for less pay, and you often have to lift a bunch of crap. Telemarketing sucks because you're basically annoying the hell out of the person on the phone, and your boss is like I think if you would of pushed the sale harder you would of had it. The worst thing about telemarketing is it's boring has hell, but you can't occupy yourself with a book, or music, or anything. The best you could hope for was a "customer" that started cussing you out which was always the most entertaining part of the job.
Best - warehouse - I worked in an air conditioned warehouse, and it was pretty good. Paid $3 more than any other place in town, and I only had to work when I wanted to. Work wasn't really hard at all, and it was busy enough to pass the time.
The purpose of this post is to have a good discussion and share advice on summer jobs. Summer is fast apporaching and I know I will have to find a job so im starting to consider my options. Last year i worked as a busser at a pretty bad resturaunt that was horribly run and im determined to not fall into that predicement again. Except for Chik Fil A, I have heard negative thoughts on most fast food places of employement. I understand that the people who are employed along side you make a huge impact on you enjoyment factor but in general, whats the best jobs?gamerguy31315
There really is no bad summer job. If you're in high school and you're making minimum wage, you're gonna have plenty of money.
I live on our cotton farm, and we hire my friends during the summer to help us out. Obviously I don't get paid for it, because it's my farm and I'm gonna inherit it, but we pay them $9 an hour which is great money for a high school student.
The purpose of this post is to have a good discussion and share advice on summer jobs. Summer is fast apporaching and I know I will have to find a job so im starting to consider my options. Last year i worked as a busser at a pretty bad resturaunt that was horribly run and im determined to not fall into that predicement again. Except for Chik Fil A, I have heard negative thoughts on most fast food places of employement. I understand that the people who are employed along side you make a huge impact on you enjoyment factor but in general, whats the best jobs?gamerguy31315
be a busser at a GOOD restaurant.
preferably somewhere privately owned, not corporate.
and definitely a restaurant with a high volume of business, and high prices.
but i used to bus tables, and it was GOOD during the summer. i'm talking more than $20 per hour good, which is not ****ing bad for a job which requires no specific skills or experience. to go to work, work a 4 hour shift, and leave having earned $80-$100 was ****ing SWEET.
Last summer I was a traveling service technician for an authorized Filter Queen Air Filtration System dealer. I got to travel to all kinds of places and fix people's machines on a commission based salary. I averaged anywhere between $400 and $500 a week. My biggest paycheck was $800.
Best summer of my life, and if any of you could somehow fall in to the same job I highly recommend it. You meet some weird/awesome people on the road. The gas does get to be a bit high, but if you are any good you make so much money that it doesn't matter.
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