I've always been extremely interested in fairness and helping the world change for the better by reducing our suffering in it. I'm not saying that I've accomplished much in that regard, but I keep being drawn to these things in life. And I like seeing things that others are unaware of. And The Red Pill was the best documentary about that sort of thing that I have seen.
I guess all of you must have seen it by now, as well. Since it's been out for a while now. I hope it's popular at schools, where learning to relate to one another is so important. And I probably think it's more special than you do, because I am so deeply invested in that type of subject matter and I know how unlikely it was for a documentary like this to be made and how important it really is for our societies. For me it is probably the most important documentary I've ever seen.
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The reason I think it's good as a documentary is because it doesn't tell you what to think so much as it presents to you ideas and views to consider. It has extensive documentation available online, and it's based on something that is severely played down, even outright dismissed all the time. So not only is the subject matter relevant, it's also treated with respect for its gravity as much as a 2 hour documentary can. Documentaries can only ever provide a window to look through but I think The Red Pill manages to do so very well.
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