Tell me what games you think are amazing
i say Halo 2
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Superman 64qetuo6Hahaha you're kidding right? My favorite game ever was probably Jet Force Gemini or KotOR.
Wow we got more educated answers in OT then we woul get in general games
Chrono Trigger
Legend of Zelda OOT
Super Mario World 3
Banjo Tooie Being that it completely surpassed it's predecessor
all games I have personally played and beaten
Apparently no one here has played Deus Ex or Half Life >.> I seriously don't see how you can't even mention those games when you say best game of all time. Halo, seriously, can you give us a good reaason why rather than just saying it's good?? I''l give you my reasons for Deus Ex and Half Life.
Deus Ex - Allowed you to chose multiple paths to complete an objective and multiple ways to dispatch of enemies. It also gave you many choices throughout the game that effected gameplay and which ending you got when you beat the game. not to mention the story was just grade A in that game, it forced you to chose between what you thought were the good guys and this rebel faction. Weapons were pretty cool as they were not overly futuristic, like the plasma gun. Another thing about the weapons you could use them to actually blow open ddors and such if you didn't have proper access to them. Upgrading and modding weapons was pretty cool, it always gave you that incentive to look around for that silencer or mod that gave your gun less recoil. You could also (since you were half person/machine) outfit your body with certain abilities via upgrade canisters. What was cool about this though was it gave you multiple options (like invisibility to people OR radars/cameras) but you could not chose both. you had a bit of a balancing act going that forced you to think ahead about would be better. Bring me to my next point, you could play this game multiple ways i.e. run and gun or stealth. You could hack into computer terminals and program the sentry guns to shoot at your enemies, sneak around your enemies, or just run into the room with guns blazing. Along with the story there were other little side stories that weren't over the top side missions like "collect 20 fish for me", they were more believeable like "help this chick get rid of her douchebag bf". Another thing about your body, you had different sections (legs, torso, arms ect) that had their own heatlh, so if your legs were at 0 you would have to crawl and not be able to walk.
About Half Life, this game pretty much intorduced the idea of scripted events to make a game seem alive. Ai in the game wasn't exactly retarded as when you lobed a gernade at a military squad they would run and not just stand there. Overall feel to the game just made it seem like black mesa could be a real place, they way the contructed the levels was very well done and the ending, although a cliffhanger, was a pretty good addition. Again the weapons in this game were very believeable as you ddin't have any plasma heat seeking weapons, just standard military equipment, until you got to the later levels where you could use alien weaponry.
Just my thought on the subject, if you don't like the games then too bad for you :D Spelling errors abound :) firebreathing
Yes i've played both but I still say that Tiberian Sun is a better game.
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