The Woman - hard to find based on the Jack Ketchum book. A hunter discovers a feral woman living in the woods. Turns out she's escaped from a clan of cannibals. He takes her home and puts her in basement, thinking that he plans to civilize her. No, instead he proceeds to torture, rape, and other stuff.
Dead Girl - Some highschool students explore an abandoned institution. They find this huge metal door which they open and discover a girl tied to a table. They soon learn the girl is dead, and cannot die. They begin to experiment on her in various disgusting ways, sex, cutting, etc.
I Saw The Devil - Korean film, a serial killer takes out this gov't agents wife. The agent goes berserk tracking down the killer. In one instance he takes a wrench to a suspects genitals. When he locates the serial killer he beats him to a pulp then leaves him, and gives him money. The serial killer wakes up confused and leaves. As he's about to kill someone the agent shows up, beats him to a pulp again and cuts him up, then leaves him again informing the serial killer he's just started and when he's done he'll beg him to die...
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