Things seem dim, but it has progressed for only 200 years.
I guarantee that another 300 years from now, we won't have any issues like this anymore. It takes time to erase the scars this nation has when it comes to black and white supremacy.
agree, itz only been like 30 or so years sinse King had to march for simple basic rights for African Americans. i laugh when some think the black ppl still don't go tru this BS. lol. like they are actally there when the crap hits the fan.
all white skin ppl is the same when it comes to making a choice between black and white. my latinoes friends in my hood tell me they get better treatment because of this..... all they have to do is shave their face clean and they are set....( lol) itz only a problem when African Americans stand up for themselves and say we are tired of harrassment, we are tired of not being seen as ppl because we want to be different then others, we are tired of not being recognized for our acheivements, we are tired of ppl trying to weight their HIS-story with ours. We want justice when the law breaks the law just as fast as when an Afrcan Americn breaks the law. African Americans face racism from many races...but some how they still manage to prosper, this is what makes them proud. i know it makes me proud, i don't need anyone to tell me whats fact or not.....i can see with my own eyes. im living the experience and no one that is not and is only making assumptions by looking from the outside can convience me otherwise.
i'm sure glad i'm not racist but itz easy to tell who is
[QUOTE="H8sMikeMoore"][QUOTE="kurama2002"][QUOTE="H8sMikeMoore"][QUOTE="kurama2002"][QUOTE="H8sMikeMoore"][QUOTE="Tech-Man08"] Who else saw this last night? I did and I think it's really alarming. I'm black and agree with all the things Spike Lee was talking about.(Local news portraying blacks as the doings of most of the crime in the country, people crying about Affirmative Action, BTW Affirmative Action can work just as well for blacks as it can FOR ANY RACE) More than 50% of my black male counter parts dropping out of highschool:shock: WTF? I know that these young men have nobody to blame but themeselves. What future do you see for Afican-Americans?
I know my future is bright, even though I'm black, Im making good grades in school, I'm in all Honor's classes, I will be one of the FEW blacks to go to college I guess:( I wonder what that statistic is? Somebody please look that up thanx!
Also for the Whites on here that say blacks are lazy blah blah, Part of that is true! You just can't generalize a whole race of people! My school is made up of a majority of blacks. (79% Black, 10% Whites 5% Asian 6% Hispanic) and they disrepect the teachers like there's no tommorow! They sag their pants, fight all the time, Call other whites Crackas and the whites are too scared to call them the N word! I was ONLY 1 of 2 black kids in ALL HONORS CLASSES! And some ignorant ass boy who happens to be black told me I wasn't black enough? I acted like a whiteboi becuase I wanted to get a good edcuation and live a good life. Sorry guys got a llitle pissed off'd.
So what do guys think black should do to better themselves baciase right now with all the statistics they mentioned on Black in America, I see no hope:(
I didnt watch it, I thought it would just be another "its youre fault, im a victim" kinda thing.
Honestly, the sooner the black population gets over everything the faster theyll do better. The Irish did it, no excuses. (waits for someone to not know irish/irish american history)
how can they get over things when stuff keeps happening to them?
stuff happens to everyone. its called life.
Yea okay? It was a documentary about how blacks where treated in America as a community. You just cant "get over everything" when you still have stuff being dumped on you. You also cant "get over everything" like in a day or two.
irish people had it worse, honestly. society today in many aspects favors blacks. so maybe they should smell the roses a little more often and realize the opprotunities they have in life. the successful blacks (not talking about rappers) dont really see themselves as victims. What a coincidence?
This man speaks the truth. People of all race who are in poverty are claimed "victims" of society and have a basket full of excuses as to why they can't make themselves better. Colleges, the work place and everything in America society is geared to making it easier for the black community. Some use that to their advantage while others choose to scape by because they know they get that welfare check every month and dont have to do a single day of actual work. It's disgusting and I have seen whites and mexicans do it too. It's just more common in the black community.
that is not true...just opinions. luv how ppl that live on the outside knows what goes on in the inside....amazing. African Americans are upset for many reasons and i don't think the millions of light skinned black ppl agree with Irish ppl having it the worst. i don't hear much of anything happening to them that is injustice. but lately i heard of things like Jena 6, Sean Bell and other injustices that don't make it to the idiot box. If they want to complain and take it to the system because they feel they are not being treated fairly then so what.....i for one don't have a problem with it.....unless i feel jealous or don't think they deserve it...then thats my person issue and i need to deal with it.
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