[QUOTE="ironcreed"]How? Gee, let's see. The Packer's drafted the guy 3 years ago with the sole intent on having a QB for the day that Favre was no longer around....which was obviously going to be soon. The guy has waited patiently, studying under Favre for 3 years and now after going through season after season of Farve holding the team hostage with his inability to decide whether he wants to retire or not, he finally officially retires and Green Bay has no choice but to move on and name Rodgers their guy. But, all of the sudden, right before camp starts, here comes Brett back, wanting his job, despite the fact the team moved forward, and started building the team around Rodgers...not to mention drafting Brian Brohm from Louisville as well. What are they supposed to do, place everything regarding their future on hold yet again and undo everything that they have done because Brett cannot make up his mind?
In regards to his hurting Rodgers, the very fact that he came back, but is not going to be a Packer made a large portion of the Green Bay base automatically hate Rodgers before even giving him the time of the day. And anything short of getting to an NFC championship game just will not do for the folks that cannot see the selfishness of Mr. Favre's actions, that not only put extra undue pressure on Rodgers, but provided a massive distraction for the entire team. Last time I checked, football was a team sport, not a one man show. Do you honestly think that the Packers would have went 13-3 last year if they did not have the recievers to catch the passes that Favre threw? Or an offensive line to protect him from getting dropped? Ryan Grant and the running game? A defense to prevent the other team from scoring?
Favre has no one to blame but himself for this whole fiasco, and his reputation desreves to be tarnished because of his selfishness and inability to pass the torch out of his own refusal to get out of the spotlight. The Packers could not just sit idly by in the off-season after Brett announced his official retirement, and they cannot be expected to undo all of the moves and decisions that they made just because he decided to come back at the last minute. It is not fair to the team. As football is team sport.
First off, this all went down during the pre-seaon. Wait, the pre-season didn't even start yet! So don't give me this crap, o Favre distracted the team. If the Packers do bad this year it will not be because of Favre.
It's going to be this simple: If Rodgers wins, the fans will like him. Lose/get hurt, and they will have his head. People keep acting like Rodgers is this little baby that needs to be put in a bubble or his feelings might get hurt. Give me a break! If he can't take some pressure during the camps what is he going to do in the metrodome?
Fact is the Packers just traded Favre away, so how him coming back has "runined Rodger's chances with the Packers" makes no sense. The team stood behind him, not Favre.
Yes, Favre is to blame for coming back but don't act like the Packers are little angels. Thomson blundered this thing. He should have gotten rid of Favre right away if that's what he wanted instead he lets Favre fly up to GB and attened the teams scrimmage!
Nothing that you listed is a vaild reason for why his chances with GB are ruined.
LOL, no, this all started back in March when he officially retired....remember? The team had no choice but to move on and they did so. They should not have to undo everything and change the moves they made because Brett decided to come back at the last minute.
And yes, the fact that Favre created a distraction for the entire team....including Rodgers, which had mobs of fans chanting "you suck" and "we want Brett" during practice before pre-season has even started is more than valid enough of a reason to surmise that he has effectively thrown Rodgers under the bus before he even had a chance. Sorry you disagree, but the proof is in the pudding, not selective reasoning based off of looking at the situation through the glasses of a fan.
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