Just wondering where people stand on guy friends who are a little too close of friends. Now I'm not talking about anything crazy like dudes kissing each other and having sex but like doing things that others who don't know how good of friends the guys are might think it's gay and such. For example in high school when I was on the football team, I had a friend who put icy hot on another friend's private part when he wasn't looking, they are really good friends and still are. Another example me and one of my friend act like we are in a relationship for the fun of it sometimes, we don't hold hands or kiss or anything like that but we can say something like "are you cheating on me man" or something like that. Just wanna know what people think about guy friends who can seem to be too close of friends. I would to hear what some females think about stuff like that lol. I would also wanna point out that it's all in good fun and I'm not talking about gay guy friends in bromances lol
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