And can they change their atomic mass once they are in your lap?
I have 2 makes a big production about getting on my lap....however my other cat can like mysteriously appear on my lap.
I'll be gaming and look down and she is lying there....I don't feel her climbing up, don't notice her getting comfy....she just appears ! ( Magic !)
And then whole weight issue...
At first when she is lying there she's all cute and curled up, only weighs a few pounds...but a half hour later I feel like a black hole is appearing on my stomach,,,she just gets heavier and heavier by the moment....first to go is the bladder,...then my insides feel like they are being forced through my spine...and finally the spine itself cracks under her evil weight gaining magic....
Cats are evil....!!! Using their dark side Jedi mind tricks to make me give them tuna or other treats....
A pox on all felines...!!!
PS Don't tell them what I said..
Hows that for an off topic....?
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