Well, of course it can be lethal in sufficiently large doses. On the bright side, it'll probably be a long time before your body lets you imbibe so much alcohol in one sitting. ;)Elraptor
I dont want to nitpick or anything, and I feel like a hippy for saying this, but its your body's reaction that kills you.
1. First off, anytime you drink, make sure it is with friends. Any time you drink A LOT, make sure its with GOOD FRIENDs. Friends will mess with me, but sort of look after you. Good friends will freaking babysit your ass and make sure you survive the night.
2. Get in the habit of having a trash can near where you sleep. In my house, our living room and kitchen are in the same area, so if I or any of my friends are trashed I will move the trash can to about one foot to where their mouth is and say/think "Here is the trash can if you need to yack".
3. When you drink, your subconcious takes over. It is easily influnced, simply knowing a trash can or toilet is nearby is sufficient; your memory and instinct will take over.
4. Never, EVER sleep on your back when your drunk. Never let anyone sleep on their back when theyre drunk.
In conclusion, for alcohol to be immediately lethal (i.e. shutting your brain down) you need a whole crapload of alcohol. A casual drinker wont be able to drink that much and will likely stop, get sick, or passout before their BAC reaches lethal amounts to which your central nervous system shuts down. By following the above steps, you can avoid an expensive trip to the hospital and (if underage) the following police reports.
Just be careful, and while overindulgence is not a good thing, if you take the right steps it doesnt have to be any worse than a horrible headache and sick stomach the next day ;)
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