Compare your current lifestyle to mine and determine if you think you can beat me in the "loser department". :P
If you don't want to read all the post, I don't care. Just read the first couple sentences of the wall-o-texts if you don't want to waste your time.
My current situation:
22 year old college student living with mom (not necessarily bad; just to give you an idea of my age and who I'm living with ATM)
Works a "part-time job" on Friday, Saturday, and occasionally Sunday evenings from 6-9 PM (generally) busing tables for just $8/hour plus tips-I put part time job in quotation marks because it's more like a "practically no time job". I wonder why it's legal to pay people such a shitty wage. College isn't for anyone and not everyone can just magically start their own business; in order to make money, you need to spend money. But of course, I'm just a stupid millennial. What the **** do I know?
Can only afford to pay for monthly car insurance and credit card (used mostly for gas and monthly phone bill), which means no spending money-Used to have at least $40 in spending money each week, but my hours were cut by more than half more than a year ago. To make matters worse, the restaurant I work at is in the most affluent (if not the most affluent) suburb in my metro area. Last time I was there I heard there was a freaking billionaire and her family dining there; meanwhile I'm making minimum wage. That kinda fucked my self-esteem in the ass that night.
I could get a job with more hours...but I don't really want to considering the massive anxiety I get from phone calls with strangers and interviews.
Feeling uncertain about my future college degree and career-If I manage to score a career in my field (Radiography) but not like it, I may be FUBAR considering it would have been a monumental waste of money and time. And I sure as hell won't go to school again after all that. After high school, community college, and the rest of my university career, I've had enough schooling in this lifetime. My only option will be to get two or three entry level jobs and hope to God I can afford to rent some cheap ass apartment. But that may not be possible with the student loans. Well, I suppose mooching off the guberment (intentional misspelling) is better than mooching off mommy. Hell, if the rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer alongside a shrinking middle class, then most people will probably be living off the gov'ment in the not too distant future. Or I'll just have to force myself to stay in Radiography if possible at all (improbable).
Never had any true friendships that meant anything
Funnily enough, I also don't desire friendships that much.
Never had a girlfriend; still a virgin of course. Heck, I don't think I've ever even held hands with a girl in the "romantic lovey dovey" way. First kiss? Where? Confidence? The **** is that? Money? I don't got two nickels to rub. Without confidence and money, you're screwed out of finding a girlfriend. I'm also afraid of actually getting a girlfriend too. I don't like commitment because I don't want to get married or have kids. Marriage tends to end in divorce a lot here in the US, and the woman tends to be favored in court, so the man can get royally fucked over, especially if there's a kid involved. Also kids are expensive and seem to be a pain in the ass to raise. I think I'll pass on that bullshit.
Primary uses of my phone: checking the weather/news, setting alarm clock, and sending random pictures of our (my mom and I) cats when she's at work (as opposed to getting texts by hypothetical friends to go out somewhere (which requires friends and money; I have neither) or getting texts from hypothetical girlfriend to go out (requires confidence and money; you guessed it: I have neither of those in large amounts)...Oh! And speaking of cats...
...Only company I have most of the day are two cats-Those furry little bastards seem to love me more than anything sometimes :3
My 43 year old mom has a Facebook and several friends who she keeps in touch with...I'm 22 with no social media account at all. Weird, huh? I belong in 1815 at this rate. XD
Only hobby is gaming if that can even be considered a hobby anymore
Only likes mainstream music (in other words, my taste in music (or lack thereof) is laughable, but shit it's addicting)
No true talents or things I'm good at besides staying up late and playing games LOL
I sometimes wonder how I've made it through life without a single panic attack or anxiety attack.
Creating a topic titled, "Can you beat me in the "loser department"? at 2:30 AM (my time) on an Internet forum :P
Your turn! :D
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