Poll Canadian police VS American police (18 votes)
Who is better? I say Canadian police officers win by a country mile. They are hands down the better of the two.
Who is better? I say Canadian police officers win by a country mile. They are hands down the better of the two.
Why is the Canadian Police "hands down the better of the two"?
Because Canadian police are taught to use violence as a last resort and most of them do it in practice. Also, police officers are held accountable for bad behavior, misconduct, police brutality, etc. Canada is not a "police state" by any stretch of the imagination. Police cannot search nor enter someones house in Canada without a warrant and the permission of the parents/guardians of the household. People who are uncomfortable talking to the police can talk to social workers in Canada.
I do know that the US Treasury Department is better than the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. They can't even wait their turn.
Why is the Canadian Police "hands down the better of the two"?
Because Canadian police are taught to use violence as a last resort and most of them do it in practice. Also, police officers are held accountable for bad behavior, misconduct, police brutality, etc. Canada is not a "police state" by any stretch of the imagination. Police cannot search nor enter someones house in Canada without a warrant and the permission of the parents/guardians of the household. People who are uncomfortable talking to the police can talk to social workers in Canada.
That may be, but the police in the US are known for taking care of problems permanently. So less chances for recidivism.
They both suck because they are run by the government. Intelligent people realize a police force operated by a government is inherently evil and corrupt. Add on to that the police are mocked by their handlers, their costumes are basically an insult to their own intelligence. The star and checkers on their hat mock them as brainwashed lackeys. The only good police force that can possibly exist is a privately run militia paid for with private funds.
Government literally means control of the mind (etymologically derived from latin) so you have a police force working for mind controllers. Neither is better they are both evil, disagree? Well then you're one of the brainwashed. The idea of a benevolent public force controlled by a government is inherently a logical paradox. Study etymology and your world will change.
They both suck because they are run by the government. Intelligent people realize a police force operated by a government is inherently evil and corrupt. Add on to that the police are mocked by their handlers, their costumes are basically an insult to their own intelligence. The star and checkers on their hat mock them as brainwashed lackeys. The only good police force that can possibly exist is a privately run militia paid for with private funds.
Government literally means control of the mind (etymologically derived from latin) so you have a police force working for mind controllers. Neither is better they are both evil, disagree? Well then you're one of the brainwashed. The idea of a benevolent public force controlled by a government is inherently a logical paradox. Study etymology and your world will change.
Lol, libertarianism/neoliberalism. Also, how is the American healthcare system treating you? Canadian healthcare>American healthcare.
@rabakill: What your demanding is basically libertarianism/neoliberalism. Taxes are bad, more money for me, privatize everything, the private sector will take care of us all, etc.
The canadian police is better in what sense? better at not using guns? better at solving crimes? better at eating donuts?
Also Canada last i checked had a population of around 35mill, America last i checked had around 318.9 million not to forget that in canada guns pr 100 is 90 in US and 30 in Canada.
But anyways what is your point?
Canadian Cops needs to treat the Natives better..
Canadian Police discriminate and abuse First Nation women
First Nation Man victim of Canadian Police Brutality
Canadian Police arrested at least 40 First Nations community members. It was reported that police attempted to break up the protest using dogs, pepper spray, fire hoses, tear gas, rubber bullets and snipers.
@samanthademeste: wrong, I'm being intelligent and not allowing myself to believe in logical fallacies or paradoxes. Calling it an ism is bullshit, you want to regurgitate the idiocy someone else told you go ahead, you're still a complete moron making assumptions that are entirely untrue while ignoring the subject matter because you don't understand it.
Being stupid is a lot easier than changing your worldview. You even know what etymology is or did you spew nonsense without knowing the base preposition of what you are arguing against?
@PSP107: because they are dunce costumes. The meaning of the star and the checkers is that of patronization by placing it on their head.
Their owners are in essence mocking the police by the nature of the symbols in their costumes. A uniform would imply respect or legitimacy. Their owners verbatim call the police "our dogs" and are treated as such.
@rabakill: Etymology is the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. That does not change the fact that you think that the private sector is good, and the public sector is evil. But if you think that Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman and the Austrian school of economics are the creme de la creme and everyone who disagrees with them is a stupid moron, be my guest.
Because Canadian police are taught to use violence as a last resort and most of them do it in practice. Also, police officers are held accountable for bad behavior, misconduct, police brutality, etc. Canada is not a "police state" by any stretch of the imagination. Police cannot search nor enter someones house in Canada without a warrant and the permission of the parents/guardians of the household. People who are uncomfortable talking to the police can talk to social workers in Canada.
Also, aren't civilian tribunals conducted whenever a police officer is involved in the killing of an unarmed suspect? Or is that just in certain areas?
Why are you always comparing Canada and USA for anything?
he's trying to show the world that Canada is paradise. Canada might be a utopia for everyone else, but it's a nightmare for the First Nation people
1. "Intelligent people realize a police force operated by a government is inherently evil and corrupt."
Intelligent people would realise that this is a gross generalisation, and wouldn't automatically discount any other possibilities.
Intelligent people know that the world isn't black and white, and that there are as many different interpretations on this matter as there are different police forces in the world.
In short, intelligent people wouldn't make comments like that^.
2. "The only good police force that can possibly exist is a privately run militia paid for with private funds."
Sure, let's remove all public accountability and make them a privately-funded for-profit entity. That could never lead to corruption.
3. "Government literally means control of the mind (etymologically derived from latin)"
No, it doesn't. The English word government is derived from the French 'governer', which in turn derives from the Latin verb 'gubernare' - to rule/govern.
The '-ment' stem makes it an abstract noun - literally "a thing that rules/governs". Similarly, a replacement is "a thing that replaces", a development is "a thing that develops", a payment is "a thing that pays", and so on.
Crucially, while there may be some loose traditional connection with the Latin 'mens' (mind), none of these words keep up that tradition. A replacement isn't something that swaps out your mind, a development isn't something that adds a second story balcony to your mind, a payment isn't something that puts a deposit into your mind, and a government isn't something that controls your mind.
4. "Well then you're one of the brainwashed."
The irony is that you read all of this online somewhere and believed it without giving it any critical analysis whatsoever.
Yet you're calling us brainwashed. Wut.
They both suck because they are run by the government. Intelligent people realize a police force operated by a government is inherently evil and corrupt. Add on to that the police are mocked by their handlers, their costumes are basically an insult to their own intelligence. The star and checkers on their hat mock them as brainwashed lackeys. The only good police force that can possibly exist is a privately run militia paid for with private funds.
Government literally means control of the mind (etymologically derived from latin) so you have a police force working for mind controllers. Neither is better they are both evil, disagree? Well then you're one of the brainwashed. The idea of a benevolent public force controlled by a government is inherently a logical paradox. Study etymology and your world will change.
The cops where I live came to our aid when my very old mother in law fainted at home. They stabilized her until the paramedics arrived.
A couple of years after that incident, my wife was pregnant with our second kid and started going into labor. I then sped her to the hospital. A cop caught me speeding and flagged me down. When he asked what was going on, I told him the kid's about to pop out. I told him the address of the hospital we were headed to. He then drove in front us with flashers and sirens, clearing a path to the hospital.
Why is the Canadian Police "hands down the better of the two"?
Because Canadian police are taught to use violence as a last resort and most of them do it in practice. Also, police officers are held accountable for bad behavior, misconduct, police brutality, etc. Canada is not a "police state" by any stretch of the imagination. Police cannot search nor enter someones house in Canada without a warrant and the permission of the parents/guardians of the household. People who are uncomfortable talking to the police can talk to social workers in Canada.
mhm :)
1. "Intelligent people realize a police force operated by a government is inherently evil and corrupt."
Intelligent people would realise that this is a gross generalisation, and wouldn't automatically discount any other possibilities.
Intelligent people know that the world isn't black and white, and that there are as many different interpretations on this matter as there are different police forces in the world.
In short, intelligent people wouldn't make comments like that^.
2. "The only good police force that can possibly exist is a privately run militia paid for with private funds."
Sure, let's remove all public accountability and make them a privately-funded for-profit entity. That could never lead to corruption.
3. "Government literally means control of the mind (etymologically derived from latin)"
No, it doesn't. The English word government is derived from the French 'governer', which in turn derives from the Latin verb 'gubernare' - to rule/govern.
The '-ment' stem makes it an abstract noun - literally "a thing that rules/governs". Similarly, a replacement is "a thing that replaces", a development is "a thing that develops", a payment is "a thing that pays", and so on.
Crucially, while there may be some loose traditional connection with the Latin 'mens' (mind), none of these words keep up that tradition. A replacement isn't something that swaps out your mind, a development isn't something that adds a second story balcony to your mind, a payment isn't something that puts a deposit into your mind, and a government isn't something that controls your mind.
4. "Well then you're one of the brainwashed."
The irony is that you read all of this online somewhere and believed it without giving it any critical analysis whatsoever.
Yet you're calling us brainwashed. Wut.
1. wrong, as it is publicly run police forces are majority corrupt. They are controlled by rich slave owners, there's ifs, shoulds, woulds, and then is. There is 0% of a reasonable argument against it besides ignornace. I'm not saying the world is black and white, I'm saying rich slave owners control the vast majority of police in the world. Slave owners with so much power you couldn't earn the amount of money they have in a million life times. You are an insignificant little pest that could never accumulate any real power in comparison to your owners.
2. No let's make them 100% accountable whereas they are close to 0% accountable now. If the officer in question has enough authority they can get away with murder. Locally funded police forces would ensure accountability because mistakes, cover ups, fraud and murder would be much more difficult as where now we have amazing policies such as stop and frisk aka the beat up minorities quota. How often do we hear of privately paid local security guards murdering people in cold blood?
3. Yes it is derived from French but that was derived from Latin.
mens does not mean mind, ment in Latin does. All of it's literal translations mean ones thoughts, will, intent action or mind. There's no arguing, you're just being obtuse because you're brainwashed and programmed to react like a perfectly conditioned slave.
4. Brainwashing is an epidemic in society. If you disagree then you are ignorant or brainwashed, there's no real arguing it if you have even one iota of a clue. I didn't just read things online, I've read dozens of books by people such as Charlotte Iserbyt, Ted Gunderson, Kathy O'Brien, Carroll Quigley, Gary Allen. I'm also incredibly scrupulous and incredibly hesitant to believe individual sources. Oops false assumption there again, you like to do that huh :(
The evidence for brainwashing and programming is overwhelming and denying it is a red flag that you are insanely ignorant and uninformed. Instead of asking for more you just deny and you're 100% incorrect in every assertion. The government run brainwashing campaigns are publicly documented and stem from multiple sources namely Freud, Jung, Pavlov and Egyptian slave control techniques derived from the book of the dead. But go ahead, spew some more ignorance. Keep sowing your own poison, keep reacting like dumb little zealots too afraid for even a fraction of a second to think for yourself. Must refute truth, truth contradicts self enforced false reality; banks are good, police are good, government is necessary. Obey, consume, repeat.
1. "Intelligent people realize a police force operated by a government is inherently evil and corrupt."
Intelligent people would realise that this is a gross generalisation, and wouldn't automatically discount any other possibilities.
Intelligent people know that the world isn't black and white, and that there are as many different interpretations on this matter as there are different police forces in the world.
In short, intelligent people wouldn't make comments like that^.
2. "The only good police force that can possibly exist is a privately run militia paid for with private funds."
Sure, let's remove all public accountability and make them a privately-funded for-profit entity. That could never lead to corruption.
3. "Government literally means control of the mind (etymologically derived from latin)"
No, it doesn't. The English word government is derived from the French 'governer', which in turn derives from the Latin verb 'gubernare' - to rule/govern.
The '-ment' stem makes it an abstract noun - literally "a thing that rules/governs". Similarly, a replacement is "a thing that replaces", a development is "a thing that develops", a payment is "a thing that pays", and so on.
Crucially, while there may be some loose traditional connection with the Latin 'mens' (mind), none of these words keep up that tradition. A replacement isn't something that swaps out your mind, a development isn't something that adds a second story balcony to your mind, a payment isn't something that puts a deposit into your mind, and a government isn't something that controls your mind.
4. "Well then you're one of the brainwashed."
The irony is that you read all of this online somewhere and believed it without giving it any critical analysis whatsoever.
Yet you're calling us brainwashed. Wut.
1. wrong, as it is publicly run police forces are majority corrupt. They are controlled by rich slave owners, there's ifs, shoulds, woulds, and then is. There is 0% of a reasonable argument against it besides ignornace. I'm not saying the world is black and white, I'm saying rich slave owners control the vast majority of police in the world. Slave owners with so much power you couldn't earn the amount of money they have in a million life times. You are an insignificant little pest that could never accumulate any real power in comparison to your owners.
2. No let's make them 100% accountable whereas they are close to 0% accountable now. If the officer in question has enough authority they can get away with murder. Locally funded police forces would ensure accountability because mistakes, cover ups, fraud and murder would be much more difficult as where now we have amazing policies such as stop and frisk aka the beat up minorities quota. How often do we hear of privately paid local security guards murdering people in cold blood?
3. Yes it is derived from French but that was derived from Latin.
mens does not mean mind, ment in Latin does. All of it's literal translations mean ones thoughts, will, intent action or mind. There's no arguing, you're just being obtuse because you're brainwashed and programmed to react like a perfectly conditioned slave.
4. Brainwashing is an epidemic in society. If you disagree then you are ignorant or brainwashed, there's no real arguing it if you have even one iota of a clue. I didn't just read things online, I've read dozens of books by people such as Charlotte Iserbyt, Ted Gunderson, Kathy O'Brien, Carroll Quigley, Gary Allen. I'm also incredibly scrupulous and incredibly hesitant to believe individual sources. Oops false assumption there again, you like to do that huh :(
The evidence for brainwashing and programming is overwhelming and denying it is a red flag that you are insanely ignorant and uninformed. Instead of asking for more you just deny and you're 100% incorrect in every assertion. The government run brainwashing campaigns are publicly documented and stem from multiple sources namely Freud, Jung, Pavlov and Egyptian slave control techniques derived from the book of the dead. But go ahead, spew some more ignorance. Keep sowing your own poison, keep reacting like dumb little zealots too afraid for even a fraction of a second to think for yourself. Must refute truth, truth contradicts self enforced false reality; banks are good, police are good, government is necessary. Obey, consume, repeat.
libertarians and communists are the same they all aim for this Utopian world where everyone gets long without force but in reality its nothing more then a fantasy. sorry bro but your ideas are nuts and will never work.
*more stuff*
1. "I'm not saying the world is black and white, I'm saying rich slave owners control the vast majority of police in the world. Slave owners with so much power you couldn't earn the amount of money they have in a million life times. You are an insignificant little pest that could never accumulate any real power in comparison to your owners."
As someone who has completed an internship with my state's Department of Justice, who has spent a fair bit of time researching police powers in my state, who has friends in state and national government departments, and who has some shred of common sense...I find all of this really amusing!
But hey, I don't live in the US. Maybe things are different over there.
2. "No let's make them 100% accountable whereas they are close to 0% accountable now."
You haven't explained how being privately funded would make the police accountable to the public in any way.
If the police were a private corporation, their accountability would be to the company and its shareholders. They'd work for the highest bidder, and perform work that gives them the most profit. They would literally, as you put it, be controlled by 'rich slave owners'.
So how would that be an improvement on the current situation?
3. How often do we hear of privately paid local security guards murdering people in cold blood?
I remember reading criminal law cases where that happened. We hear about it less, because A) private security guards typically just sit behind desks somewhere, and B) it makes worse headlines than police killings. It would happen more if the police force was replaced by a private security force.
4. mens does not mean mind, ment in Latin does. All of it's literal translations mean ones thoughts, will, intent action or mind. There's no arguing, you're just being obtuse because you're brainwashed and programmed to react like a perfectly conditioned slave.
Um. To be fair, I was one of the highest-scoring Latin students in my state (a long time ago), and I was pretty good at linguistics as well.
'mens' is the third declension, nominative singular form of the word for 'the mind, reason, intention, etc.'. You know, like mens rea in criminal law?
'ment' isn't a Latin word. You might be thinking of one of the various cases of the word 'mens', like 'mentem' and 'mentibus'.
In any case, let's do some further research and clear this up properly. It looks like the English suffix "-ment" is derived from the Latin suffix "-mentum", meaning 'an instrument, medium, or result of'. They attached it onto the end of verbs like English does - so:
But hey, that's just some logic for you. As an intelligent individual, I'm sure you'll find some valid way of disputing this point.
5. I'm also incredibly scrupulous and incredibly hesitant to believe individual sources. Oops false assumption there again, you like to do that huh :(
Can you blame me? Most conspiracy theorists can't seem to string a logical sentence together, and there's a good reason why most intelligent/critical thinkers laugh at them.
Sure, brainwashing is a thing. Media and politics thrives on it. But it's a huge leap from that to say that all governments and police forces are inherently evil. You'd need a pretty large thesis to comprehensively prove your point, and if it was impossible to refute what you were saying (as you claim), then surely respectable academics would already be all over it. Instead, all you see is debate over the merits of governments...because there's no definitive ruling on whether or not they are evil.
Sure, brainwashing is a thing. Media and politics thrives on it. But it's a huge leap from that to say that all governments and police forces are inherently evil. You'd need a pretty large thesis to comprehensively prove your point, and if it was impossible to refute what you were saying (as you claim), then surely respectable academics would already be all over it. Instead, all you see is debate over the merits of governments...because there's no definitive ruling on whether or not they are evil.
Not all are corrupt, just the ones with most of the money and power.
Thesis: A secret religion, best described as Lucifereans, operate banking cartels, religions, governments and secret societies with the desire of creating a one world government with absolute control. It resembles a pyramid structure where those further down the structure have exponentially less knowledge about what they are actually participating in.
Ted Gunderson, Charlotte Iserbyt, Carroll Quigley, Aldous Huxley, Kathy O'brien, Anton Lavey, Helena Blavatsky, Aleister Crowley, Smedley Butler are the sources. I've read most of the books from these people, have you read any of them? They all come to nearly the exact same conclusion as the thesis I've presented above with some variation on their understanding of the mystery schools (of which the secret religion derives it's philosophies). I could present you with 100 more sources all related to the exact same thing, yet people can't even acknowledge the possibility of such a thing when an overwhelming mountain of evidence is staring them directly in the face.
I read your points, you don't refute me with sources or facts you refute me with false logics. I don't give a shit about what your job is, where you've studied or anything. How about trying to think with your brain for a second. Go ahead somebody actually refute the sources and the points their books make, no? It'll just be a bunch of childish bullshit as always.
Why is the Canadian Police "hands down the better of the two"?
Because Canadian police are taught to use violence as a last resort and most of them do it in practice. Also, police officers are held accountable for bad behavior, misconduct, police brutality, etc. Canada is not a "police state" by any stretch of the imagination. Police cannot search nor enter someones house in Canada without a warrant and the permission of the parents/guardians of the household. People who are uncomfortable talking to the police can talk to social workers in Canada.
As an American police officer I can tell you that we're also taught to use violence as a last resort. We're also held accountable for bad behavior, misconduct, and police brutality. The US isn't a police state. We can't enter someone's house without a warrant, unless there are exigent circumstances or we have probable cause.
Guys, please watch the insults...having to give out strikes isn't fun for me or you. Be respectful and if you get pissed off go for a walk before you post.
As for the topic I don't think anyone who hasn't lived in both countries can really answer that question...with all the things I hear about the States I always feel that if I ever visited I'd never feel safe anywhere but my wife has been to the States and she said she didn't feel like that at all, so if you haven't really lived somewhere, all you can have are guesses.
Both suck and need massive improvement. Canadian cops I personally think are better in the sense you don't ever feel like an encounter with one of them will end in you being shot or killed. Unlike most states if a Canadian cop unholsters a gun, he must file reports directly after the incidence and it's a crazy load of paper work. Most of it's there to find out if he/she was justified in doing so.
Not once in Canada have I seen a gun unholstered in the many many times I've seen police do their jobs in public.
They both suck because they are run by the government. Intelligent people realize a police force operated by a government is inherently evil and corrupt. Add on to that the police are mocked by their handlers, their costumes are basically an insult to their own intelligence. The star and checkers on their hat mock them as brainwashed lackeys. The only good police force that can possibly exist is a privately run militia paid for with private funds.
Government literally means control of the mind (etymologically derived from latin) so you have a police force working for mind controllers. Neither is better they are both evil, disagree? Well then you're one of the brainwashed. The idea of a benevolent public force controlled by a government is inherently a logical paradox. Study etymology and your world will change.
Jay-Z and the Illuminati, I feel you bro.
Both suck and need massive improvement. Canadian cops I personally think are better in the sense you don't ever feel like an encounter with one of them will end in you being shot or killed. Unlike most states if a Canadian cop unholsters a gun, he must file reports directly after the incidence and it's a crazy load of paper work. Most of it's there to find out if he/she was justified in doing so.
Not once in Canada have I seen a gun unholstered in the many many times I've seen police do their jobs in public.
What is this supposed to mean? As a civilian I've never seen a police officer draw their gun. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
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