[QUOTE="jfcundiff"] Hannity and Colmes found a book by Ayers from the mid-70's where Ayers dedicated the book to Sirhan Sirhan, who is the killer of Robert Kennedy. How Democrats can align themselves with someone with these crazy associations like Wright, Khaledi, Pflager, and Ayers is crazy.
YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME. Duxup is right. things are blown way out of proportion. People should be offended and angry at the republican campain for these smear compaigns assuming that republicans are dumb enough to believe them.
The Bill Ayers accusation is so blown out of proportion its unbelievable. Its like saying someone you work with now, but dont hang out with (we'll call him hank), murdered smoeone 20 years ago, before you even knew Hank. He served his time and is now on the straight and narrow working a legitimate job with you, but because you know him, youre considered a murderer too.
Obama was 8 when Ayers had loose ties with a terrorist group that commited a terrist act. Years later when Ayers was on the straight and narrow as a PROFESSOR of a universit, he served on the same council as Obama to reform education. Yea..terrorist..right.
The Khaledi accusation is another one. Obama was seen at a convention with Khaledi, yes, but Khaledi is a proffesor for Columbia University. Not a terrorist. If hes so bad than how come the IRI(international republican institute), which McCain was charimen of during this time, gave Khaledis research group nearly 500,000 dollars for research?
Look, im not saying vote Obama, im not saying Vote McCain. All im saying is show youre smarter than the smears and dont base your decision on this BS.
Ya, some idiots (Palin) make it like he was BFFs with Ayers, the most they probably did was shake hands and talk (which would probably have been required on the council) other then that they dont go to bars together and chat about the good old days when Obama was 8 years old)
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