This is the second film i have made, did it just this weekend (sunday to monday morning.)
keep in mind that were not that experianced (obviously) and had very minimal resources (no third person for camera or tripod, no good light souces.)
we made it for the acedemic fair which is tomorrow, so were still kind of nervous about it, but id like to hear some feedback. The topic of our project is the process of making a short film.
i didnt get any sleep sunday night (seriously, none) because we had to present it monday morning so the teacher could approve it before we present it tomorrow. I cut it really close with the editing (finished at 6:40, left for school at 7:20.) the main reason it took so long was because of numerous technical difficulties, main being sony vegas kept freezing and losing entire project, so i had to find a new trial editing software and become familiar with that and then start all over.
if you dont like it please tell me, but even if you dont i would still appreciate it if you 5-starred it on youtube just to help get it circulating. that would really be appreciated.
well, without any further ado;
(im the darker haired guy)
if you enjoy it, please check out my other short film on my youtube profile, which i am also very proud of.
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