[QUOTE="BlackAlpha666"][QUOTE="tzar3"][QUOTE="AgentA-Mi6"][QUOTE="Boba_Fett_3710"] I don't understand it. People are being slaughtered, children are being sold as sex slaves and PETA expects me to care what's happening to a bunch of damn animals?
No dice.
How would you feel if somebody kidnapped you and your family and make you all wait in a small insalubrious cage to have your skins peeled off over your heads?
I bet you'd appreciate if someone cared about you all and try to stop it from happening.
Humans and animals have way different mentalities. They care for their families but not in a way like us, they only raise their babies for the survival of their speices, its instinct. Hell some animals have been known to eat their babies like hamsters, I owned a couple and the mother ate at least two of them, she only left the severe head, thats not love if you ask me. The animal kingdom is indeed a cruel savage thing...
Humans can do even worse things then that. Like dumping a baby into a garbage can and hoping nobody will notice as the baby is being squashed together inside the garbage truck. I've heard some extreme horror stories about what mothers sometimes do to their babies. Cutting up the baby's body, putting each limb, together with a rock, inside a plastic bag and then throwing them at different locations into the river.
Then we humans are no better than animals I am afraid, and thats not how we are suppose to be, but hey we live in a **** up world and we gotta live with it.
The only reason why we have good things in life is because we can identify the screwed up things and we do everything we can to stop those things from happening. That's the only reason why you are sitting behind your PC in your own house and not in some cage where you get tortured and raped by a random psychopath.
Just because screwed up things happen in life doesn't mean that you must ignore them and let them happen anway. Because if you do that, the world will be a whole lot more screwed up then it is right now and then your worst nightmares and awful things you could've never imagined will come true. So don't say we got to live with it because we don't have to.
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