Well, if anyone here has been to Walmart, HomeDepot, Lowes, KMart and most other stores around your town you probably have noticed that all the Christmas decorations and fake trees are already out on full display. To me this seems a bit weird since I usually don't see this stuff until right before Thanksgiving, but now its all out every where and you would think its December already.
There are a few ideas on why this is happening floating around. Such as stores are suffering from the economic crisis so they are hoping everyone will start Christmas shopping right now and boost the economy. Yeah, cause everyone loves Christmas shopping in October right!
I love Christmas just as much as the next guy and I usually end up putting up my Christmas lights a few days before Thanksgiving, but this seems to be a bit of a stretch. What do you think of all this Christmas spirit in October? Is this a fools attempt to take advantage of the consumers or smart decision making buy corporate America?
So let me Just say Merry Christmas! On November 1st........?????
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