What is Cloverfield?
The trailer for this movie was shown as a preview before the movie "Transformers". It has generated a lot of hype on the internet as the movie currently has no title, and very little is known about the movie other than it "revolves around a monster attack in New York as told from the point of view of a small group of people" (taken from IMDB). The movie is said to be shot only using home video camcorders. The movie's project name is Cloverfield, and is also referred to as The Parasite.
Viral Marketing
The official website 1-18-08.com currently contains 3 pictures/snapshots of the night's events with curious timestamps.This site, along with the Slusho website, are the only confirmed websites to be related to project Cloverfield (Ethan Haas was Right was denied).
The Trailer
The trailer can be view for yourself at: http://www.apple.com/trailers/paramount/11808/or on youtube (just search "Cloverfield").
My Theory
I have no idea what the monster is...but my theory is something that the LOST fans would probably understand. I don't think the LOST writers had a clue towards the explanation of the smoke monster, but they finally came up with 2 great ideas for it. One of the ideas went into the show, but the producer J.J. Abrams liked the other idea so much he decided to base this whole movie around it. Plus, LOST doesn't return until i think February 2008, so Abrams has this whole off-season to shoot the film Cloverfield. Even some of the noises the monster in the trailer makes are reminiscint of the smoke monster in LOST.
Some people think that the monster is Voltron because someone in the street yells "it's a lion, it's huge!", but he is really shouting "it's alive! it's huge!"
After viewing the trailer, your theory is...?
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