The following info is taken from the website called .
1) The youngest mom was just 5 years of age.
2) In morroco
3) There is an almost everlasting storm in a place in venezuela .
4) A chicken lived without it's head for 18 months . I would post a picture but it's super nasty.
5) This Rhino won the elections of Sao Paulo with 100,000 votes.
6) GUNKANJIMA (Japan): the Ghost (and forbidden) Island .
Ok so this was a really prosperous island with a huge population density , however most of the people worked in a coal mine .When the mine closed everyone moved out and this is all that remains . People are not allowed to go there.
7) Anti-Tank Dogs.
Ok so these dogs were trained to find food under tanks .They were starved for a couple of days and were released on the battlefield automatically going under tanks ,however they had detonable explosives tied to them .
8) How Persia won a battle against Egypt
"The earliest examples of cats being used in warfare dates back to the Ancient Egypt during a war against Persia. The Persians, fully aware of the reverance that Egyptians paid to their felines, rounded up as many cats as they could find and set them loose on the battlefield. When the Egyptians were faced with either harming the cats or surrendering, they chose the latter. "
9)The Church of Euthanasia "Save the Planet, Kill Yourself"
This cult supports suicide , abortion and sodomy . They believe the fewer people there are on the world the better it is.
10 ) The church of Marradona . Now this is taking fandom to another level ( Marradona is a soccer player)
11) In Turkmenistan the leader Turkmenbashi banned videogames , recorded music , closed down all the libraries and hospitals except in the capital . He also renamed January after him along with a lot of places like dozens of school , a huge port etc.
13 ) Here is a good collection of fun facts but they are only text :
Like : . Some lions mate over 50 times a day.
14) The famous half man half tree ! :
15) In 1843, a Parisian street mime got stuck in his imaginary box and consequently died of starvation.
16 ) In Sao Paolo there are no outdoor advertisements whatsoever. I wonder if the Rhino did this ?
17 ) Just for laughs :
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