Come my brothers and sisters, come one come all. Let me tell you a story about the most useless, crabby, and frivilous moderation in history.
There was a news story on Gamespot about a lawsuit filed against Rockstar games. In this lawsuit it was stated that Rockstar games had settled the case out of court of some sort and they would offer rebates to customers offended by some of the explicit content provided in the game due to an in-game mini-game called "Hot-Coffee". The rebate amount was pathetic for some users who were "offended" and even qualified, some only totaling $15. In the comment section of the news story were resounding comments of sarcasm and jokes pertaining to who would even waste their time getting this. The air was quite funny and a mocking one in that anyone would really care about such a trivial thing.
Then came along a user called Telekenesis123 who in reading the news story and the sarcastic and disbelieving comments thought he as well would be creative, and try to put a smile to some peoples face *regarding* the subject. The comment was thus:
Jan 30, 2008 2:22 am MT I' m gonna eat at Taco Bell tonight!! Cha-Ching!-------------------
Live By Honor
Here is a link to the news release in the Great Book called the Internet:
http://www.gamespot dot com/xbox/action/gta4/news.html?sid=6185242&tag=newlyadded;title;1 (replace the "dot" with a period
The reson for deletion was "Off-Topic Posting" (?)
To anyone with a sense of humor they would put, how does the saying go? "2 and 2 together" and realise this was a joke wherein Telekenesis123 was stating the "he just got his measly check and he was dang proud of it (a la the obvious 'Cha-Ching' noise). Furthermore, this low brow individual in blissful ignorance was going to celebrate his new found wealth and eat at what is commonly considered to be a slop trough for the masses and low brows alike, Taco Bell). Sorry that I had to spell out the joke for you w o r d f o r w o r d friends but there is rumored to be among us those cursed by the evil Mage CrabApple in which they are denied any ability to get or relate to a joke/humor whatsoever, pray for them friends.
Later.... someone, some call them "mods", but no-ones really sure, came and erased his comment with seemingly magical powers. Some also say that these powers are given to these "mods" to handle with care, integrity, professionalism, and the land of Gamespot's community in mind. We may never know for sure but what we have heard on the wind is that they are not to be taken lightly or else they may hurt the land of Gamespot, and, my friends, we all know we have been going through the Time of Troubles, and this is the last thing we need. I can only hope the over-usage of these magical powers do not cause further harm to the land of Gamespot.
Well, what we learned from this story my friends is that we can conclusively know for sure that there are some among us who have been affected by Mage CrabApple's curse, and this curse may even have spread into the illusive and secretive community of the mystical "mods" We know from the experience's of many brave adventurers alike that these "mods" are very shy creatures and like to cowardly act behind a veil of anonymity and rarely ever answer for their actions even though they were given these mystical powers to protect the land of "Gamespot". Sometimes they even use them to harrass users. We also have reports of many good "mods" who generally care about the health of the land of Gamespot but alas, we must regretably accept that there are some who are affected by Mage CrabApples curse and who use their powers to frivolously and erroneously moderate citizens free speech.
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