Why doesn't communism work now?
Because people don't want to work different jobs and get paid the same...
But in the future robots/computers will do all the work and humans will just chill...
meh...slow day
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Why doesn't communism work now?
Because people don't want to work different jobs and get paid the same...
But in the future robots/computers will do all the work and humans will just chill...
meh...slow day
You can't have people be equal in social status than everyone for many reasons:
1. Location,
2. Education
3. Occupation
But we will be all unemployed and the few people with jobs won't want to give up there wealth to us.bentleg
we get rid of government...so no taxes...robots do everything...produce electricity, food, etc.
we take w/e we want within a monthly budget we all decide that is fair...and we live
[QUOTE="bentleg"]But we will be all unemployed and the few people with jobs won't want to give up there wealth to us.-D3MO-
we get rid of government...so no taxes...robots do everything...produce electricity, food, etc.
we take w/e we want within a monthly budget we all decide that is fair...and we live
So how do you decide the monthly budget surely the person in contol of the robots can decide how much every one gets.
[QUOTE="bentleg"]But we will be all unemployed and the few people with jobs won't want to give up there wealth to us.-D3MO-
we get rid of government...so no taxes...robots do everything...produce electricity, food, etc.
we take w/e we want within a monthly budget we all decide that is fair...and we live
...until robots decide what they're doing is total BS and start killing mankind and we have to go watch the matrix 1-3 (harder than the process of defeating the robots) to learn how to defeat them[QUOTE="bentleg"]But we will be all unemployed and the few people with jobs won't want to give up there wealth to us.-D3MO-
we get rid of government...so no taxes...robots do everything...produce electricity, food, etc.
we take w/e we want within a monthly budget we all decide that is fair...and we live
What a bland, tasteless life.
Though I do like the no Government thing. :)
Because it worked so well last time....
I honestly hope that never happens, even though robots are cool. Americans would just get fatter doing nothing.
There will always be that one SOB that decides he wants all the power and then lets it go to his head.Mumbles527Then we kick his ass, done!
Yeah, the robots back then were unreliable and sneaky..Because it worked so well last time....
I honestly hope that never happens, even though robots are cool. Americans would just get fatter doing nothing.
Robots could work and take over all jobs, but the government wont ever allow it.Theempire30Well, they've allowed all jobs that previously belonged to working class America to go overseas and to illegal immigrants, so anything's possible.
I've got to wonder what the teenager fascination is with Communism. Is it somekind of fad these days? Even Lenin couldn't get the system to work. In fact his application of it went south so fast he had to impose capitalism on the Russian economy just to stop the country from tearing itself apart. CaptHawkeyeWhere do you get this notion of "teenager fascination" with communism? I'm pretty sure if you asked teenagers what their views on communism are, most would say either it's not good or that it'll never work.
[QUOTE="CaptHawkeye"]I've got to wonder what the teenager fascination is with Communism. Is it somekind of fad these days? Even Lenin couldn't get the system to work. In fact his application of it went south so fast he had to impose capitalism on the Russian economy just to stop the country from tearing itself apart. VisualBasic01Where do you get this notion of "teenager fascination" with communism? I'm pretty sure if you asked teenagers what their views on communism are, most would say either it's not good or that it'll never work.
They'll say that it will never work. But if you ask them what they really think about it, they would be very likely to say something along the lines of "Well communism promotes sharing and equality all around so it would be cool if it worked". What they don't understand is it wouldn't. Karl Marx may be considered a social genious by some, but paying close attention to the Communist Manifesto reveals he wasn't intelligent or even a visionary in any sense of the description. He was a straight out LUNATIC. He actually thought parents should never get to meet their children. That kids should immiedietly go into possesion of the state once they are born. The fact that most people are oblivios to this little tidbit straight from TCM indicates many of them have never even given it a peek. And just like communism as a cool new way to express their rebelliousness.
I'd rather have flawed communism than true communism. At least in flawed communism, you're given the opportunity to succeed via good ol' fashioned corruption.
I dont like communism because i dont want to be a doctor getting the same pay as a busboy.Why doesn't communism work now?
Because people don't want to work different jobs and get paid the same...
But in the future robots/computers will do all the work and humans will just chill...
meh...slow day
It'll never work....LJS9502_basic
...but if it could work, would you want it to? I wouldn't. Penalizing someone for their success doesn't sound very apealing to me.
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]It'll never work....Oleg_Huzwog
...but if it could work, would you want it to? I wouldn't. Penalizing someone for their success doesn't sound very apealing to me.
Would I want it to? Nope....
communist countries have never really had much of a problem w/ people working hard, or filling certain jobs. I think people would be more authentic with their career choices if every job paid the same.
The problem with communism and why it doesn't work is rampant corruption due to too many people with unchecked power.
[QUOTE="-D3MO-"]Why doesn't communism work now?
Because people don't want to work different jobs and get paid the same...
But in the future robots/computers will do all the work and humans will just chill...
meh...slow day
You can't have people be equal in social status than everyone for many reasons:
1. Location,
2. Education
3. Occupation
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