That Panasonic one is quite nice - I helped my parents pick out the previous model last year (or the year before?). I don't really like compact cameras, though, as I can't stand the limitations of using something with an image sensor smaller than my pinky nail.DJ_Lae
I'm not a fan of compact cameras either (I also hate the lack of a decent viewfinder...LCD screens aren't good enough, IMO). But when it comes down to it, they're good to have. Hell, nearly every single serious photographer I've known (and I've only known two) has made sure to buy a compact digital camera, even if they ****ing hate it.
Why? Because compact cameras have serious limitations, but at least you can get a picture. Even if 70% of the time the picture is worthless, that still leaves 30% of the time when you DON'T have a bigass SLR with you, and happened to get a good picture. Compact cameras indeed have serious limitations and I hate them. Still, I try to carry one around at all times. Because I am NOT going to have a SLR camera with me all the time. If I see something that needs to be turned into a picture, then it's far better for me to resort to a compact camera instead of not get a single ****ing image because my SLR was at home. In order to get the best pictures, one has to first and foremost have a camera, and compact digital cameras make it extremely easy for everyone to have that ability.
Two weeks ago, I was on my way to work. I work at a restaurant on the water, and a ****ing tornado dropped out of the sky and came within 200 feet of the building. I didn't get to see it because I was late to work, but the chef got a picture of it on his cell phone. And he's not even a photographer, and doesn't know **** about photography, but seeing the picture he took on his cell phone, I was ****ing kicking myself for showing up late to work on that day and missing the opportunity to take an AMAZING picture. If I'd been there, the only camera I'd have had would be a compact digital camera. And I could have gotten an AMAZING wide angle view over the water, with this huge water spout in the foreground. The contrast in tones between the waterspout and the water, the whole drama of the's compact camera or nothing. And the dude who got the best picture was using a ****ing cell phone camera.
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