Poll 'Condemning Israel's Annexation Crimes is Anti-Semetic.' Is this a valid accusation? (28 votes)
In the United States, many key figures within certain establishments, on both the Right and the so-called Left, give the label 'anti-Semite' to those that condemn Israel's illegal annexation practices. Do you find this to be a valid accusation? Surely rational people know that it's a totalitarian-esque scare tactic used to pacify dissenters, not unlike the claim of "anti-American" or "anti-Soviet (I think we're the only people in the world required to pledge allegiance to two states).. So why put up with it? Is it out of fear or do many folks find it to be a valid indictment? If it is valid then what is the universal standard that supports it and why doesn't this standard apply to other countries?
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