, I mean, discuss nao.
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By themselves no. And if they did, it would't last long. No single government could possibly keep the entire planet under control without something going horribly wrong.
Define conquer.
If you mean kill all human life on Earth by unleashing nukes on every major city then the answer is yes (you might get a few on some island who may survive but everybody else will eventually die).
If you mean march through every other country until the planet is the 21st century version of Futurama without using nukes then no. Eventually other countries will combine and will build forces in Canada and Mexico to invade the mainland on both sides. The US can only fight for so long with over a hundred enemy countries combining to resist.
If they wanted to just destroy everything and stand on the smoking heap afterwards, then sure. Otherwise, they'd get stopped pretty quickly by the wall that is China.foxhound_foxThe US is not the only country with nukes. Let alone other kinds of WMDs where alot more countries possess them (nukes aren't the only WMD). Disregarding even nukes, forget the whole world, I very much doubt the US can conquer the whole of Europe or Russia on its own.
Um... no. Why the hell would we? Who would want to be in charge of the entire planet (other than complete egomaniacs with no business being in charge of a bathroom stall, much less a world government)?
[QUOTE="Fundai"]Conquer North America? NoSilverbondYou don't think we'd be able to take Canada and Mexico?Mexico, maybe... but holding it against the drug cartels would be a pain in the ****.
Canada is way too spread out to occupy all at once. By the time force would be consolidated properly in one province, we'd run out of land forces. :P
Even taken piecemeal, there are several countries/power blocs that the US can never conquer. Countries with nuke arsenal, for example. And if they possess nukes, they definitely possess other forms of WMDs as well. There is a reason why the term MAD was invented. Mutually Assured Destruction. WMD aside, there is no doubt that the US possesses a very very formidable and scary military might. But I think a lot of people underestimates the military of many other nations as well.Not all at the same time.
[QUOTE="nintendofreak_2"]Even taken piecemeal, there are several countries/power blocs that the US can never conquer. Countries with nuke arsenal, for example. And if they possess nukes, they definitely possess other forms of WMDs as well. There is a reason why the term MAD was invented. Mutually Assured Destruction. WMD aside, there is no doubt that the US possesses a very very formidable and scary military might. But I think a lot of people underestimates the military of many other nations as well. My guess would be that we would just bomb the places that have WMDs since we know which ones, and bomb other major cities of places that don't have any.Not all at the same time.
If they were to incementally try to conquer over ground, that just wouldn't work, and by the time they got into their third or fourth target, the infantry would be so reduced it just wouldn't be feasible anymore unless we cranked up the sexy times between now and then and had a bunch of new little warriors ready to fight. :P
Umm sure. Because no one has the navy to match the U.S. and the airforce. But on land however, it could be close. But because the U.S. has the number manufactoring power in the world, they could have unlimited supplies. So, it's very possible. LOL@ ppl who said no. THey clearly don't know the strength in the American millitary and manufacturing power. They have alot of secret weopons and even modules in the abrams m1 tank. They are pretty far ahead, at least a generation ahead than everyone else.
EDIT: Also to people who doubts this. Seriously, they have been spending 10 times more than anyone else in military for a decade, since 9/11. But before that, we still spended so much more than everyone else. So, why doubt such thing? I mean, ever wonder why U.S. is considered "Rome of the modern day"? Its still debatable who was the most powerful country in history, its either U.S. or Roman Empire. So, tell me again why be skeptical about this? Just because it isn't happening (that they arent conquering)or what?
[QUOTE="scorch-62"]lol nosethman410so, why? I think u dont know anything about world powers. Methinks a lolno is a sufficient answer to this question
No.SilentFireXOk, why not? For real, its so sad to see many people saying no without reasons. Just because it hasn't happend doesnt mean its not possible.
[QUOTE="sethman410"][QUOTE="scorch-62"]lol noLiftedHeadshotso, why? I think u dont know anything about world powers. Methinks a lolno is a sufficient answer to this question without reasons... I think we know who's superior in this thread. (sarcasm)
With me as an evil dictator the skies the limit....LJS9502_basicOrbital control is beyond your reach? Guess I'm gonna' have to look elsewhere for space-based dominance :(
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]With me as an evil dictator the skies the limit....SilentFireXOrbital control is beyond your reach? Guess I'm gonna' have to look elsewhere for space-based dominance :( Haha.....little steps.
Its so sad to see people underestimating the U.S. military so much. Look at death comparisons in the U.s war with Iraq or any other wars in recent history. 3k to 500k in Iraq war. Hmmm.sethman410Because foot soldiers mean a lot when the world has enough WMDs to turn every inch of the Earth to rubble.
[QUOTE="SilentFireX"]No.sethman410Ok, why not? For real, its so sad to see many people saying no without reasons. Just because it hasn't happend doesnt mean its not possible. The simple answer is no. The more complicated answer is also a resounding "no."
Conquering the planet, militarily, then holding the acquisitions is completely unfeasible for practically any terrestrial entity. If you're specifically hypothesizing U.S. conquest of Earth, we are nowhere near powerful enough militarily or economically to defeat all opposition, and then hold the newly acquired territories for any amount of time. Sure, we could launch all of our nukes, and effectively wipe out the planet, ourselves along with it, but what's the point of that? Even our cultural influence has been in a moderately steady decline, with our preeminence reaching its height in the late 80s to mid 90s or so. Our current fiscal and foreign policies are grossly ineffective, and that, coupled with the insurmountable task of conquering the entire planet, and neutralizing any and all opposition makes "global conquest" a madman's piped dream at best.
A calculated, covert effort over multiple decades to undermine all foreign national governments, and perpetuate a global dependency on the United States would ultimately cripple our own existence, and never succeed in creating any lasting global empire. There are far too many contingencies for that to ever occur.
Its so sad to see people underestimating the U.S. military so much. Look at death comparisons in the U.s war with Iraq or any other wars in recent history. 3k to 500k in Iraq war. Hmmm.sethman410Think about this... We would become the new age Nazi Germany, except not backed by any allies whatsoever. The whole world would be united by one common enemy. The only way we could win is to SIMULTANEOUSLY nuke every country to nothing but scorched dirt, and then claim the scorched dirt as ours. We would have to do this impossibly fast and simultaneously in order to prevent MAD.
Ok, why not? For real, its so sad to see many people saying no without reasons. Just because it hasn't happend doesnt mean its not possible. The simple answer is no. The more complicated answer is also a resounding "no."[QUOTE="sethman410"][QUOTE="SilentFireX"]No.SilentFireX
Conquering the planet, militarily, then holding the acquisitions is completely unfeasible for practically any terrestrial entity. If you're specifically hypothesizing U.S. conquest of Earth, we are nowhere near powerful enough militarily or economically to defeat all opposition, and then hold the newly acquired territories for any amount of time. Sure, we could launch all of our nukes, and effectively wipe out the planet, ourselves along with it, but what's the point of that? Even our cultural influence has been in a moderately steady decline, with our preeminence reaching its height in the late 80s to mid 90s or so. Our current fiscal and foreign policies are grossly ineffective, and that, coupled with the insurmountable task of conquering the entire planet, and neutralizing any and all opposition makes "global conquest" a madman's piped dream at best.
A calculated, covert effort over multiple decades to undermine all foreign national governments, and perpetuate a global dependency on the United States would ultimately cripple our own existence, and never succeed in creating any lasting global empire. There are far too many contingencies for that to ever occur.
Yeah so what. The question is can the U.s. conquer the whole planet RIGHT NOW? Yes, its possible. But will the country last? Idk. Duh.Its so sad to see people underestimating the U.S. military so much. Look at death comparisons in the U.s war with Iraq or any other wars in recent history. 3k to 500k in Iraq war. Hmmm.sethman410If you honestly believe a good Kill/Death ratio against a third world, disorganized military effort by a global superpower is any indication of "predicted success in global domination", you are seriously delusional in that belief. Aside from military effectiveness, there are a billion and one contingencies which would have to be unbelievably controlled in order to create any truly lasting global conquest.
Its so sad to see people underestimating the U.S. military so much. Look at death comparisons in the U.s war with Iraq or any other wars in recent history. 3k to 500k in Iraq war. Hmmm.sethman410
500,000. 500,000? You should explain that figure?
With me as an evil dictator the skies the limit....LJS9502_basic
I reconsider my opinion, then. Palantas would like the following job title:"DeputyQuartermaster Chief ofStaff, Alcohol and Female Uniforms."
[QUOTE="LiftedHeadshot"][QUOTE="sethman410"] Ok, why not? For real, its so sad to see many people saying no without reasons. Just because it hasn't happend doesnt mean its not possible.sethman410The simple answer is no. The more complicated answer is also a resounding "no."
Conquering the planet, militarily, then holding the acquisitions is completely unfeasible for practically any terrestrial entity. If you're specifically hypothesizing U.S. conquest of Earth, we are nowhere near powerful enough militarily or economically to defeat all opposition, and then hold the newly acquired territories for any amount of time. Sure, we could launch all of our nukes, and effectively wipe out the planet, ourselves along with it, but what's the point of that? Even our cultural influence has been in a moderately steady decline, with our preeminence reaching its height in the late 80s to mid 90s or so. Our current fiscal and foreign policies are grossly ineffective, and that, coupled with the insurmountable task of conquering the entire planet, and neutralizing any and all opposition makes "global conquest" a madman's piped dream at best.
A calculated, covert effort over multiple decades to undermine all foreign national governments, and perpetuate a global dependency on the United States would ultimately cripple our own existence, and never succeed in creating any lasting global empire. There are far too many contingencies for that to ever occur.
Yeah so what. The question is can the U.s. conquer the whole planet RIGHT NOW? Yes, its possible. But will the country last? Idk. Duh. No, it's not possible. That is insanity.[QUOTE="Fundai"]Conquer North America? NoSilverbondYou don't think we'd be able to take Canada and Mexico?
No. If both Canada and Mexico worked together, plus the Islands in the Caribean, and we got to call in favours (I'm fairly sure the comonwealth would support Canada).
Imagine a two front war where on one side you had a country with dangerous armed criminals with a grudge against the states (so if you ocupied them there would be recistance), and on the other side a country that could be likened to russia in the way you'd be forced to conquer it...
Yeah so what. The question is can the U.s. conquer the whole planet RIGHT NOW? Yes, its possible. But will the country last? Idk. Duh. No, it's not possible. That is insanity. Wtf i didnt write that, quoting fail[QUOTE="sethman410"][QUOTE="LiftedHeadshot"] The simple answer is no. The more complicated answer is also a resounding "no."
Conquering the planet, militarily, then holding the acquisitions is completely unfeasible for practically any terrestrial entity. If you're specifically hypothesizing U.S. conquest of Earth, we are nowhere near powerful enough militarily or economically to defeat all opposition, and then hold the newly acquired territories for any amount of time. Sure, we could launch all of our nukes, and effectively wipe out the planet, ourselves along with it, but what's the point of that? Even our cultural influence has been in a moderately steady decline, with our preeminence reaching its height in the late 80s to mid 90s or so. Our current fiscal and foreign policies are grossly ineffective, and that, coupled with the insurmountable task of conquering the entire planet, and neutralizing any and all opposition makes "global conquest" a madman's piped dream at best.
A calculated, covert effort over multiple decades to undermine all foreign national governments, and perpetuate a global dependency on the United States would ultimately cripple our own existence, and never succeed in creating any lasting global empire. There are far too many contingencies for that to ever occur.
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