Create a country Gamespotters! You are the ruler and you can make it however you want! Describe what your country would be like what kind of government ect.
The United IslandsOf Neo Darwinia (UIOND)
Population 10 million
GoverningMethod: Social Democracy
Location: Various islands in all oceans including the Artic ocean . The UIOND also maintains a neutral presence in Antarctica for tourist.
Exports: Technology, Medical Marijuana, Vehicles, Medical Products and Agriculture. Happiness as well as Ice Cream.
Transport: Cars as well as ferries. Some Island of UIOND are connected by underwater tunnels.
Military: Each Island is allowed to possess a small military presence for civil defense but no single nation may declare war on another country. All UIOND nations are required to come to the aid of any UIOND nation state under attack by a foreign military however. Defense spending may never outweigh social programs.
Social Programs: Free education and welfare programs for the disadvantaged. Universal Health Care even to non citizens.
Government. UIOND is governed by hundreds of island states who all subscribe to rule by one larger government. Separation of power exists and Island Nations have more rule over personal law but must abide by a series of constitutional requirements. Each island nation gets 10 members of congress and the federal government is ruled by 10 Prime Ministers all who focus on different areas of society. We have a King and a Queen although this is a ceremonial title only and not one of real value. We do this because we can.
Penal System: The penal system focuses on rehabilitation rather than punishment and capital punishment is outlawed. However Politicians who are convicted of violating their power are put in the stocks and citizens are allowed to throw tomatoes at them.
Holidays: Since the UIOND nation is comprised of Immigrants from many different countries many holidays are observed. However federally the only two holidays Throw a snowball at your neighbor day and Peace Day.
Energy: Because each island has its own resources all UIOND nations make use of what they have. Some artic nations supply all of their energy needs through either wind or geothermal while others use fission power and a complex system of hamsters on wheels.
Space Program: UIOND is proud to be the first nation to put a man on Mars. Take that everyone else!
Environment: Since Islands naturally have bio diversity more unique than large landmasses strict environmental policies are in place. In fact each island state uses and animal or flower as their state seal. In some cases this is an actual seal.
Money: Based on animal pictures.
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