Who in here thinks they can make a super hero whose stronger, faster, or cooler than Marvel, DC, or japanese anime (except DBZ; no competitor has matched Goku's power as of yet)
Mine is the ultimate defense. I call him D
Main power: Create diamond
Now, you may think that that's a lame power, and if you do, then you don't know your science, since diamond is the toughest natural matter in the planet Earth. The only thing that can scratch a diamond is another diamond.
My superhero can conjure any kind of diamond, so he can create a diamond staff, diamond armor, ect. He can also control how fast the atoms in his diamond go, so he can freeze them up to absolute zero, or heat it up till it's not diamond no more (which will take a *lot* of heat). His signature moves are the AZ diamond and the nuclear diamond. AZ is absolute zero, where the target is frozen, along with everything around him/her (thanks to convention/conduction). Nuclear diamond is probably, in theory, the strongest nuclear bomb around, since the diamonds atoms are arguably the toughest atoms to separate. So when they do separate, the energy will be releazed and KaBOOM
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