The bathynamous giganteous is a 12 inch foot bug that lives at depths of 7000 feet under the ocean:
An Oarfish is a huge worm that can grow up to 36 feet and lives at a depth of 3000 feet!
A hydrothermal vent clam can grow up to 12 inches in diameter and lives at up to 9000 feet underwater
A sleeper shark is basically a giant dogfish (4 feet in length) that can grow up to 24 feet in length. It lives at depths of more than 6500 feet.
The Japanese spider crab can grow ot have a legspan of 13 feet. It is a great eye catcher at aquariums and can live at deoths of up to 1000 feet.
Giant tube worms only live near hydrothermal vents because they don't breath oxygen but rather they breath the hot steam emmitted from the vent itself. They can grow up to 7 feet in length.
The dead sea spider can grow up to 27.5 inches in leg span and lives at depths of 23000 feet. (This is a miniature one)
And last but definately not least is the great or collosal squid which was first made famous by the novel 20,000 leagues under the sea by Jules Verne and was though to be stuff of fantasy until one of them washed up along the coast of Newfoundland Canada. They can grow up to 45 feet in length and can weigh up to 1000 lbs! They live at depths of 7000 feet. (Here's a tiny one)
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