If I'm listening to my iPod/iTunes, these are the chances of me listening to what:
1) Senses Fail - ~70% or more.
2) Taking Back Sunday - ~10%.
3) All Time Low - ~10%.
4) My Chemical Romance or The Used - ~5%.
5) Other (The Kooks, Armor For Sleep, Blink-182, Love Automatic, A Static Lulluby, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, and The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.) - 5%.
Every band on my iPod. I redid my iTunes like two weeks ago. Just for the record, I hate The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus except for 2 songs!
Of all time:
Senses Fail - Rum Is For Drinking, Not For Burning. Irony Of Dying On Your Birthday. You're Cute When You Scream. Lungs Like Gallows. Wolves At The Door. (So hard to narrow it down).
Taking Back Sunday - Cute Without the "E". Set Phasers To Stun. Spin. Cut Me Up Jenny.
All Time Low: Weightless. The Beach. Lost In Stereo. Dear Maria, Count Me In.
Right Now:
I've been addicted to
My Chemical Romance - Thank You For The Venom. Under Pressure (With The Used, Queen Cover).
The Used - The Taste of Ink.
Love Automatic - Shut Up And Dance.
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