The Dark Crystal is my favorite movie ever. Why don't they make excellent fantasy movies for kids(and adults) anymore like they did in the 70's and 80's? Originally the Skeses were supposed to speak in their own constructed language and the Mystics were supposed to go by their real names the "Uru." I have never seen Return to Oz, so I have to say Dark Crystal is better. :P If you're interested TC, go out and get the book "The World of the Dark Crystal." It talks about the cultures of the Gelfling, Skekses, Uru, and Podlings, as well as metaphysics, mathematics, and other interesting things. You could also read the movie novelization of it (by A.C.H Smith), which is almost better than the movie in some cases.
personally I think computer animation has killed off those types of movies, even a movie like Never Ending Story would downright suck if they remade it with CGI. Also those were the golden years of film making, more of an artistic approach, nowadays its all about $$$$$. I mean look at that Avatar movie (no i have not seen it yet, prolly wont for a while) it had no sets, no costumes,no makeup artist, no basically anything, the whole movie was filmed on or in front of blue screen and people are going gaga over it. idk maybe its the consumers who are to blame?
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