Recall in Star Wars: A New Hope (Episode IV) that Darth Vader appeared to be subservient to Grand Moff Tarkin. For example, there are a few occassions where Tarkin gives Vader orders, such as when he commands Vader to stop Force-Chocking Admiral Motti:
[quote="Darth Vader"]
[quote="Grand Moff Tarkin"]Enough of this! Vader, release him!theone86
As you wish.
Also, what is Vader's official rank/ title in the Empire? He's called Lord Vader, but that is his Sith title; as far as I know, that title doesn't apply to the realm of political and military ranks.
No, he is not subservient, if anything Tarkin is subservient to him. Tarkin is the highest military official in the Empire, he commands every other moff out there (local rulers, something of a cross between a general and a governor). Vader, afaik, has no official military title, but is the right hand of the Emperor (whom Tarkin answers to) and acts basically on the Emperor's authority, somewhat how all Jedi were granted command titles by default during the Clone Wars. Tarkin, however, is a very effective military leader and Vader respects him as such, probably one of only two along with General Veers who destroyed the shield generator in Episode V. When Vader follows Tarkin's lead, like in dealing with Princess Leia, it's because he respects his judgement, just like when Tarkin follows Vader's lead, like in allowing the Falcon to escape, it's because he respects his judgement. As to when he releases the officer in question, it's because the officer in question is under Tarkin's command and Vader won't undermine Tarkin's authority. After Tarkin dies there's no other officer with whom Vader has this repoire, and he commands with an iron fist because no other officer can command their subordinates like Tarkin did.
Finally, someone who actually understood the question and didn't participate in an argument regarding semantics.
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