Thought I should share with you ppl.
the possible logo:
If you don't know captain america will have 2 costumes. one for WWII and one for present day.
details on what the WWII looks like:
"The fabric of the costume doesn't look like the scaled material of SPIDER-MAN but more of a leather fabric, like something you'd see on one of the X-MEN. Cap wears an old school utility belt, the likes of which we haven't seen much in modern superhero movies. Utility belts were a staple of comic superheroes but haven't made the transition but here Cap sports a rather thick belt made up of brown pockets with a silver buckle. (It actually looks something like the belt on this Captain America toy. The suit actually has a practical WWII military look to it with some of the obvious Captain America flourishes that we would expect. It's hard to really pass judgment on a costume until you see it properly lit, in motion and doing what it's meant to do. But based on what I saw, I'm pretty impressed with how they were able to adapt the costume for the film.As for the shield, it actually hews very closely to the ****c design of red/white/red rings with the white star in a blue circle at the middle. "
what the WWII costume could look like(not reall btw):
Present day captain america(concept art):
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