Hey guys for anyone who didn't like the ending to Dexter, I really suggest you read my little review of it. I'm not saying it will change your mind, but I'd like to shed some light on some very beautiful storytelling.
Sorry to bump an old thread but I just saw this last night and I really need a spot too put down my thought. Dexter and Breaking Bad are my two favorite shows ever. Both ended for me recently and I must say, Breaking Bad left me disappointed while, Dexter's ending is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen.
Now at first I didn't come to this conclusion. I was very angry about how Dexter's story ended, but then as I thought about it more it really ended exactly how it needed to.
First I am going to skip right too Debra's death. I am not the type of guy to enjoy a happy ending, so I was not shooken at all when this happened. I also thought it was beautiful that it was Dexter that was forced to really turn off the machine and kill her.
The dumping the body scene is really, one of my favorite scenes of all time. Dexter is in the ocean that has been solace too him for so long, the place where his addiction drove him so he could dispose of his victim.
In this scene there is a storm coming and everything is dark. From the sky, to the ocean, and even Dexter himself is looking very dark in this scene.
Deb on the other hand is pale, and covered in a very luminescent white sheet. Dexter is forced to drop her in to the ocean where he has dropped so many other victims, and don't you mistake it, Debra is very much, one of Dexter's victims. I like how Dexter dropping Deb in to the ocean symbolizes him dropping his last victim, Deb.
Now back too the color scheme(or lack there of) that I was talking about. Dexter dropping Deb, wrapped in that sheet, in to the ocean also symbolizes Dexter dropping the one person who's been a ray of light, in his otherwise very dark world. The one person he's always felt made him human is his last victim.
Now lets skip ahead to the ending. Dexter is staring at the screen with a lifeless face.
This scene very much bothered me, until I really thought about it. There is no sign that Dex is still killing, and I took that literally, I believe Dexter lost his need to kill and doesn't anymore.
At first this bothered me because Dexter doesn't seem to be thinking logically. He is leaving his son with Hannah, who may never have any intention of taking care of this kid, thats not hers. He also rationalizes by saying, "They're better off without me."(Paraphrasing), but all his past trouble has come from killing, and if he didn't plan to do that anymore than they would be fine.
This bothered me until I had a little breakthrough thinking about it.
This isn't Dexter being stupid.
This is Dexter being selfish.
Dexter is a Psychopath/Sociopath(whichever he fits), and by definition they are selfish people. Dexter said earlier:
“As much as I may have pretended otherwise, for so long all I’ve wanted was to be like other people, to feel what they felt… Now that I do, I just want it to stop.”
Dexter isn't leaving Hannah and Harrison because he thinks its best for them, he's doing it because being human is just too much for him to handle. Dexter has slowly become more and more human over the last few seasons, and he has realized he doesn't like it.
So now. Dexter is a lumberjack in the middle of nowhere, with a bunch of guys that he probably rarely speaks to, and has completely turned off his feelings. He is truly at peace because he is no longer trying to become human, he's the monster he's always been.
I truly believe this is the most beautiful ending to anything I have ever experienced, whether it be a movie, game, or TV show. Again sorry for bumping this, I just wanted to get my thought out there.
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