I haven't seen the original trilogy (I know, I'm lame), but I know that fans of the originals have criticized the Prequel Trilogy (specifically the first two) very much. Was it really that bad? This is especially to all you Star Wars fans out there.
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I haven't seen the original trilogy (I know, I'm lame), but I know that fans of the originals have criticized the Prequel Trilogy (specifically the first two) very much. Was it really that bad? This is especially to all you Star Wars fans out there.
I've never had any problems with the prequels. They were hyped to the point that the best movie in the history of movies could not have satisfied the hype, that was their downfall, not the movies themselves.
They are actually my favorite ones just because they deal with the Old Republic and the Jedi so in depth. But the Empire Strike Back will always be 2nd best (after Ep. III)cpo335Episode III was easily the best of the PT, but saying it is better than ESB is just blasphemy. Comparing it to ROTJ would be more understandable, but even then ROTJ wins.
Episode III was good, the duel at the end was more epic than any duel in the original trilogy. The acting in all 3 though just sucked though.
They all sucked. I mean, sure the fight scenes were more stylish, but you know what they lacked? Emotion. It was just hollywood bull****. ROTJ Luke vs Vader>>>>>>>any fight in the prequels.
Episode III was good, the duel at the end was more epic than any duel in the original trilogy. The acting in all 3 though just sucked though.
Actually, I thought that the battles between Luke and Darth Vader at the ends of Episodes V and VI were more epic.
That said, the one at the end of Episode III was good :D.
I actually didn't like the Episode fight 3.. I thought the Fight of Darth Maul along with the music to be far cooler.. sSubZerOoAs did I. Maul was the best part of TPM, but when they killed him off they pretty much doomed the PT.
I still don't understand what everyone's beef with Episode I is. But anyway, I like I and III, but I HATED II.
It was not as awful as some peple say, the problem as it has been mentioned in this thread is that the hype surrounding them was based on the Original three episoded which were fantastic movies, but the three episodes of the prequel trilogy just aren't nearly as good as the three classics of the original one. They have serious dialogue and acting problems, and the cast of characters isn't so interesting but I think the battl and the political moves and other plans by Palpatine in the Senate keep the movies engaging.
A New Hope, The Empire Strikes and Return of Jedi remain as the best movies of the series though.
Jar Jar BinksI still don't understand what everyone's beef with Episode 1 is. But anyway, I like I and III, but I HATED II.
Don't really like the movies but I think Episode 3 was the best out of all 6 movies. The games seem more interesting to be honest.
[QUOTE="battlefront23"]Jar Jar Binks Ahh... I see. :PI still don't understand what everyone's beef with Episode 1 is. But anyway, I like I and III, but I HATED II.
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]I actually didn't like the Episode fight 3.. I thought the Fight of Darth Maul along with the music to be far cooler.. omfg_its_dallyAs did I. Maul was the best part of TPM, but when they killed him off they pretty much doomed the PT. The Pod Race was also very cool... If only they made Anakin a minor character than.. The fact he blew upa starship and numerous other stuff was dumb..
I still don't understand what everyone's beef with Episode 1 is. But anyway, I like I and III, but I HATED II.
Jar Jar Binks Ahh... I see. :P Jar Jar Binks was far FAR more tolerable than Anakin.. The whole him destroying the starship was facepalm moment for me..Overall the prequel trilogy was worse, but the individual movies in that trilogy vary pretty wildly. The Phantom Menace sucked, Attack of the Clones was pretty lame but not THAT bad, and Revenge of the Sith was pretty ****ing awesome.
Overall the prequel trilogy was worse. But Reevenge of the Sith was significantly better than Return of the Jedi, so at least the prequel trilogy has that going for it. At least the prequel trilogy ended on a high note, rather than the original trilogy which was ruined by a crappy third movie.
[QUOTE="omfg_its_dally"][QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]I actually didn't like the Episode fight 3.. I thought the Fight of Darth Maul along with the music to be far cooler.. sSubZerOoAs did I. Maul was the best part of TPM, but when they killed him off they pretty much doomed the PT. The Pod Race was also very cool... If only they made Anakin a minor character than.. The fact he blew upa starship and numerous other stuff was dumb.. If only they made Anakin NOT a whiny angry **** and actually made him a badass. 99% of the choices they made with those movies were terrible.
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"][QUOTE="omfg_its_dally"] As did I. Maul was the best part of TPM, but when they killed him off they pretty much doomed the PT. AAllxxjjnnThe Pod Race was also very cool... If only they made Anakin a minor character than.. The fact he blew upa starship and numerous other stuff was dumb.. If only they made Anakin NOT a whiny angry **** and actually made him a badass. 99% of the choices they made with those movies were terrible.
I just can't picture Darth Vader, the most BA villian of all time, as a little brat. Honestly, shia Lebeouf would've made a better Anakin
[QUOTE="battlefront23"][QUOTE="omfg_its_dally"] Jar Jar Binks sSubZerOoAhh... I see. :P Jar Jar Binks was far FAR more tolerable than Anakin.. The whole him destroying the starship was facepalm moment for me..
Anakin was one of the worst parts of that movie.
Jar Jar Binks didn't break the movie... he really just added insult to injury.
Lol ended with muppets LawlOverall the prequel trilogy was worse, but the individual movies in that trilogy vary pretty wildly. The Phantom Menace sucked, Attack of the Clones was pretty lame but not THAT bad, and Revenge of the Sith was pretty ****ing awesome.
Overall the prequel trilogy was worse. But Reevenge of the Sith was significantly better than Return of the Jedi, so at least the prequel trilogy has that going for it. At least the prequel trilogy ended on a high note, rather than the original trilogy which was ruined by a crappy third movie.
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