@uninspiredcup: I haven't seen The Predator yet, but is that supposed to have been as if Dutch was like, some member of an anti-Predator task force or something? I don't have the necessary context for the deleted scene since I didn't see the movie, but that's kind of what it looks like from your description. Anyway, I guess something like that could work. I mean, Ellen Ripley was just "some woman". Then in the very next movie she's selected to go on an Alien-fighting mission, ends up ordering the marines around when she's just a consultant, and single handedly slaughters a bunch of Aliens with grenades and machine guns while having practically zero training. So I guess the concept could work. But it's kind of hard to sell that kind of thing without some character development. Ripley had it, Dutch didn't.
Anyway, I suppose I'll get around to watching the movie eventually. Just because it's a Predator movie. Same as how I eventually watch all of the Alien movies even though I know they'll probably suck.
But what the hell is the deal with new super Predators and mixing DNA and stuff? Same thing with the Aliens (to some extent). There's always some rush to make a new monster like a Queen Alien or an ugly-ass Human/Alien (which I've always personally thought looked more like a naked mole rat) or a Predalien or a Black Super-predator or those sickly looking white Aliens from Alien Covenant. Am I the only one who feels like that kind of seems like a holdover from the days when Kenner had a freaking Aliens toy series with Snake Aliens and Gorilla Aliens? Or how Tony Stark gets a new suit in every Marvel Movie. But at least that makes sense with Marvel Movies. That stuff exists to drive sales of kids toys, like giving Malibu Stacy a new hat. But why the hell do they need to do this in freaking Alien and Predator movies? That kind of stuff may have driven action figures back in the day, but those were the days when freaking Robocop could get a goddamn Saturday morning cartoon. Those days are over.
I can still at least kind of see why the Alien movies do this. I mean, the Aliens are dumb-ass animals so I guess it makes some sense to at least introduce new Aliens for the purpose of trying to hide the fact that they're just re-doing the exact same thing as previous movies. But Predator? Does the Predator franchise really need to resort to that thing? The concept was built as a race of super-advanced aliens that travels across the galaxy killing things for sport. They're intelligent. There are lots of time periods to play with. There are lots of hypothetical tactics that they may have to adopt in order to defeat their prey. I mean, the concept of this franchise seems perfectly made to be perfectly sustainable without screwing with the actual Predators. Predators vs Roman legions? Predators in WWIII? Predators trying to stay hidden in a time where security cameras are prevalent everywhere? How do their tactics vary when they're hunting a few guys in a dense jungle as opposed to trying to get the head of a general who is leading a 10,000 strong army? Isn't the concept FAR more versatile than the concept of the Aliens? Why the need to keep going with "new more badass Predators" instead of actually taking advantage of the idea of keeping the Predators the same and having the setting change? Just seems like a bit of wasted opportunity to me.
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