Just recently I watched The Tenant and it has compelled me to make this thread. This is for discussing the films and not the director so leave whatever angry rant you have for him at the door.
Now just this month I have watched 3 films of his in total. They are Repulsion, Chintatown, and the previously mentioned Tenant. I loved Repulsion and Tenant, and thought they were both brilliantly crafted horror / psychological thrillers. I just couldn't get into Chintatown though. It didn't have a compelling enough story and, to put it bluntly, was boring. Rosemary's Baby and The Ninth Gate were both very solid thrillers as well.
My absolute favorite Polanski film thus far though... would have to be Repulsion. I have never seen a film quite like this one, that's so effective at taking us into the mind of somebody who is losing it. It's very dread-filled and claustrophobic, with excellent direction and a lead actress who is not only beautiful, but also delivers a startlingly realistic and chilling performance. This is horror on the level of Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho, and I'm surprised it rarely gets mentioned :?
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