There are about 2 billion children (Under the age of 18) in the world, However, Santa only visits Christian children; this should leave Santa with about 400 million children to visit on Christmas eve. Assuming each household has 3-4 children, this is about 108 million households that Santa has to visit. Santa has about 24-30 of Christmas hours to work with to distribute all the gifts , this is thanks to the different time zones and the rotation of the earth , so with that said , Santa will be doing roughly 967.7 visits per second , This means Santa has about 1/1000th of a second to park the sleigh , hop out , jump down the chimney ( if there is one) , Fill the stockings and , distribute the presents under the trees and eat the cookies that were left for him and then get back up the chimney and leave to the next house . Now lets think about the speed of the sleigh, For the sake of argument, lets assume that each of these 108 million households is evenly distributed, were talking about 0.78 miles per household, that comes to 75.5 million miles that Santa has to travel, and given the time frame he has, this means Santas sleigh is moving at 650 miles per second, 3000 times the speed of sound! Now , onto the weight of the sleigh , Assuming each child gets a normal Lego set ( two pounds each) , the sleigh is carrying 500 THOUSAND TONS , not counting Santa himself , the conventional reindeer can pull no more than 300 pounds, so this comes to a massive number of reindeers moving the sleigh , at this weight and speed , the sleigh would burst into flames the instant it starts to move .Merry Christmas :D
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