Dude! Sometimes, I absolutely HATE being with my parents. I am 20 years old, and whenever I try to talk "business-like" with another person, something I say, just any little thing, somehow turns out to be hillarious to my parents. I mean, I talk how I feel like talking, I am me right? So what is so funny about me trying to have a civilized conversation with someone. For example, if there is some little person (kid) who has problems with a game or something and I know how to help, I would explain it to them, and my parents would say something like, "That is in-appropriate" or something like that and strat laughing. And when I tell them to stop they say, "Don't talk bak to me, you are emmbarrasing me." Well LA-DEE-FLIPPIN'-DA!!!! You just embarrased me, so when I voice the ways you embarrass me, you get embarrassed? How 'bout this: "Don't start nothin', won't be nothin'" -Men in Black
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