be it video games or movies or w/e. Do you watch them? deleteed scenes only? I actually started watching the movie a second time with the dircetor's commentary and quite like it. Being able to see your favortie movie, or just a movie you enjoy being explained by the person who made it is really cool.
I like to, but for some reason if I buy a movie and watch it, I take it out and go do something else. I have so many things I have to go back and watch when I get the free time. The problem is I buy more things. :cry:
Yeah I've also taken to watching it with comentary recently, I usually always watch the deleted scences and I watch any "The making of..." videos if there is one.
Mostly depends how envolved I got in the story of the game/story that I would like to see more things about it. But I guess I would try and watch it as much as I can no matter what the story is like. Sorta contradicted myself there, lol.
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