....because you don't want to be seen as someone who eats like a pig.
You make a pretty good point.
I have like two friends, furthermore, I have no one to watch me eat. And guess what? I still don't eat like a pig. You shouldn't really do any of the things previously mentioned because you care what others think of you, you should do them because they are beneficial to you. I mean, why eat like a pig? We have tools, we have hands, fingers, why degrade yourself, even if no one is watching? Why not wash yourself? Do you enjoy being filty? I don't, it doesn't feel good. Do you like to be loud and obnoxious? Well, good for you, I suppose. I don't, I'm not going to be that way even if I was the only person in the world.Well, I guess we differ on that one. When I eat alone, I'm a lot less conscious of how I eat (not like a pig, but I do things that I'd never do in the company of others, such as shovel food into my mouth, use my arm as a napkin, place my elbows on the table while eating, etc) due to the fact that no one is watching. Just being honest. Why eat like a pig? It's not that one tries to, it's just what happens when one doesn't bother. Manners take effort, and there is no other reason to utilize them aside from being socially beneficial.
Manners and such things as washing I do more out of consideration for others, as I don't find it enjoyable to watch someone chew with their mouth open or have to sit next to someone in a theatre who doesn't know the definition of personal hygeine, but I'd be lying if I said I don't also do those things to be seen as respectable by others.
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