I have... alot...
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Last summer me and my friends went to see Die Hard 4 and just as the trailers end, and the name of the film comes up with the rating and everyone goes quite.... I put my feet behind my head and did the loudest fart imaginable. All my friends burst out laughing, and some of the people in the front row looked at me like I was insane and then started laughing too :lol:manicfoot
That's great!
I never fart in public, I was taught to leave the room.
Um girls don't fart...coughcough....
But I sure do the biggest, loudest belch's in public!!! Soooo amazing =]
Yeah, in a library. :lol:_LiquidFlame_
Did it echo through out the books and stuff?
I always think it's funny when a dog or a baby farts because they are oblivious to it.
Last summer me and my friends went to see Die Hard 4 and just as the trailers end, and the name of the film comes up with the rating and everyone goes quiet.... I put my feet behind my head and did the loudest fart imaginable. All my friends burst out laughing, and some of the people in the front row looked at me like I was insane and then started laughing too :lol:manicfootA mate of mine done that just after some fella died in Lord of the Rings. I laughed but I was like 16 at the time.
I try not to. True story, my wife and I've been together 12 years and I've never farted in front of her. She thinks it's funny.btaylor2404
You need to introduce her to the fine art of the Dutch oven. You are missing out (and so is she)!
Um girls don't fart...coughcough....
But I sure do the biggest, loudest belch's in public!!! Soooo amazing =]
Why are girls so impressed that they can burt/belch loudly? This is something I've never understood, whenever they have the oppurtunity they let loose, I've met some that think burping the alphabet is the coolest this in the world.
I get my girlfriend to fart on me all the timeAnti-Venom
Either that's a funny joke or a sick thing to ask your girlfriend to do on you.
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