I watch it and am glad Jeff got sent packing.
Still, the newer seasons aren't as good as they old ones imo. Back then, people were figuring out strategies on their own. Now people just use the same strategies seen countless times. If the people aren't interesting (like say Adam, Porsche, Jordan, and Kalia of this season), it gets boring.
It sucked that Danielle got voted out also. She was cool and one of the few women I've seen that can pull of light and dark colored hair.
On a side note, Evel Dick has an internet show with previous houseguests in which he discusses the game after each episode airs. He is pretty fun to watch. Just go to rtvzone.com to check it out.
Also, one can watch previous seasons on youtube here:http://www.youtube.com/user/BigBrotherEpisodes#p/p
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