Since it's pretty much winter, do you like snow and everything that comes with it such as shoveling and driving in it?
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I like the snow we get in my lower elevation part of Oregon. Only a few inches at a time and it only sticks around for like two days or so. You can make snowballs or a snowman or whatever, but the roads stay driveable if a little slippery and it doesn't ever harden into impenetrable ice or turn into mountains of miserable slush (or at least with the slush thing it only stays like that for two hours or so before it's gone completely)
He's underrated. I honestly thought he was black until I saw the video. megageneI loved that one song that went "boom boom down"
It's look at but it's a huge pain driving in and since I have an older car my windows all freeze up and it takes forever to unfreeze them.
[QUOTE="megagene"]He's underrated. I honestly thought he was black until I saw the video. michael_1234576I loved that one song that went "boom boom down"a licky boom boom down
I lOVE snow, it makes the whole world (at least the part of it that I can see) look like a Christmas card. Love watching it snow, love the way it piles up on the branches of trees, love almost everything about it. Don't like driving in it though. We got 8" last week and I had to run out to the store towards the end of it, before they got the highway plowed sufficiently, and that was downright treacherous.
when youre a kid, snow is fun because school closes down and you get to play in the snow.
once youre an adult, its not so fun unless youre on holiday.
I liked it a lot better when I didn't have to clean it up. Hopefully, I'll like it again when I can build snowmen with my son.jimkabrhel
congrats bro :)
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