I'm generally a lot more fun to be around drunk (though I guess I shouldn't say drunk, buzzed is a better word), as most people are. I've noticed that I generally like who I am a lot more when I've got a bit of alcohol in my system. Not that I like being drunk more than being sober (though so long as I'm not flat out wasted, a heavy buzz is definitely nice every once in awhile), but that the way I act under the influence is sometimes how I wish I could act sober. I have no problem flirting with girls no matter how beautiful when buzzing whereas when I'm sober I can still talk to girls fine, but reaching that point of flirtiness between the two of us is for some reason much more difficult. Boring conversation is never an issue and I'm just generally a lot more fun. I'm not saying I wish I could always be this way, I just wish I could turn this on every now and again. I have no problem with who I am sober, that's not what this thread is about, I'm just a much more reserved person and I tend to over analyze every situation rather than act on my inhibitions, and for some reason I have trouble exiting this state without alcohol.
How about you guys? Do you ever wish you could instantly come under the effects of alcohol for certain situations? Have you noticed what I've noticed or am I the only one?
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