Because I sometimes do. It's a nice radio that was given to me for free.
There's a sense in which I do. I use when I meditate. It's a collection of online radio stations. It helps me relax. As for an ordinary radio station, no, I don't listen to that.
Shit. If I turn the radio on for a 30 minute drive I MIGHT hear one song. The rest is commercials, traffic and station promos.
So no, not anymore. Pandora it is.
Not anytime nor anytime soon. Radio is dying slowly in this part of the world. Spotify,Amazon Music,Apple iTunes,etc … They control a lot of the music play time I think?
We have XM radio and it's pretty good other than the fact you have to pay for it, and it doesn't have a set price so you have to haggle vendors for a better price like you're playing an RPG... lol.
I have SiriusXM radio station in my car I can listen to good Metal and hard Rock without interruption is the best thing and I cannot remember the last time I listen to the regular radio station. I also have YouTube Music that plugs into my car and I can listen to whatever the hell I want at any time.
I have XM satellite radio I listen to and I can barely tolerate that because 80% of music just isn't to my liking, and I enjoy music way too much to listen to something I don't like.
I doubt I could listen to regular FM radio. I might actually have to find some AM channels with talk or sports shows to listen to if I didn't have my XM radio. FM radio all but murdered a lot of good music; I can't really tolerate Led Zep, Rolling Stones, Nirvana, STP, Pearl Jam...all bands I enjoyed years ago but honestly they play that shit EVERY DAY multiple times each day and I"m just not going to listen to the same song for the 2000th time.
I used to just connect my phone and listen to music and podcasts but my adapter broke sadly and it's an older car so there's no bluetooth, and of course they want to charge 80 bucks for the part and about 300 to install it. Sad. Thankfully my commute is 5-10 minutes so I really only miss it when I drive to see my family.
@mrbojangles25: Just a thought, but short range Bluetooth to FM transmitters are dirt cheap these days and they work well. I'm sure you'd find something for under $10.
@mrbojangles25: Just a thought, but short range Bluetooth to FM transmitters are dirt cheap these days and they work well. I'm sure you'd find something for under $10.
I did not know this was a thing. So I don't need to plug it in to the aux port, I can just tune it to an unused FM channel?
@mrbojangles25: Exactly.
Looks like a lot of them come bundled with adapters for whatever your phone's output socket is. Battery life might be a little bit longer than with Bluetooth that way but doubt it matters much of its a short commute.
My brother had one in his old car. Sound quality was crystal clear.
I do sometimes, but mostly when I’m riding in a vehicle or on Sunday mornings from my local talk radio station that plays a sermon for about 30 minutes.
I used to but have associated with the idea that if I listen to anything outside talk radio ,it's brainrot
Talk radio is the definition of brain rot.
Anyway, no I generally don't listen to the radio.
I used to but have associated with the idea that if I listen to anything outside talk radio ,it's brainrot
Talk radio is the definition of brain rot.
Anyway, no I generally don't listen to the radio.
Damn , So the mind's better off listening to music
I listen to Sirius Radio randomly selecting a vibe from golden hits, youthful rush or comedy to name a few off hand. Without commercials as public radio, I can keep my mind clean of worries about the world to center on my state of mind. It cost money so I have to work harder than normal. I get time to listen to it to and from work so I get to learn about new songs to share with my loved ones ofttimes.
I used to but have associated with the idea that if I listen to anything outside talk radio ,it's brainrot
Talk radio is the definition of brain rot.
Anyway, no I generally don't listen to the radio.
Damn , So the mind's better off listening to music
Yes. Not even a question.
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