Poll Do you prefer to use a laptop, tablet or desktop PC? (26 votes)
For me, I like using my PC for gaming. But for anything else I've been using my Ipad for pretty much everything else these days. Much more comfortable in my experience.
For me, I like using my PC for gaming. But for anything else I've been using my Ipad for pretty much everything else these days. Much more comfortable in my experience.
Well I like desktop the most. But as a truck driver away from home 30 days at time ans 2 days at home... its not useful.
I got laptop but to activate gpu it needs to be plugged in cigarrete lighter which requires the motor working (in north europe is cold and battery dies if we use too much power so to avoid it the engine needs to be burning fuel... and I cant do that my boss wont allow truck to be working on sleep pause).
Also I did it for some time before and laptop chargers die very quicly on cigarrete 12v or 24v. One even melted from playing dragon age origins for too long hahah.
so.. my only option left on your poll is.. tablet. But I also use nintendo switch for gaming and even smartphone.
I got ipad pro and honestly the thing is fast all around. can edit 4k video fast. animations are fluid. all produtivity apps can be found for free (I never use the paid ones) and it can play all app store games on max settings for several years Im sure.
but for pure gaming switch is my favorite been playing diablo 3 latetly :)
then again I like desktop more but since its not pratical for me (neither is laptop) then I have to vote for tablet
Desktop PC all the way and I couldn't get into Laptops in the past, so PC for me and I never ever use a Mac before, so can't comment on that. With Desktop PC, I can change out the parts anytime I want to, add a new GPU anytime I want to, and PC's are very flexible and you can't do that with Laptops or Mac.
@thehig1: I do 15 hours shifts and sleep 9 hours 3 times then 11 hours pause the rest of the week. They even use my pause times and after 1 hour get a van to take me to a house to sleep 5 hours then back to the van and back to the truck (its not always but they sometimes push it too far)
Portugal is not a nice place to work. Compared to france netherlads germany belgium we earn half the money in all jobs. Even more in some exeptions. While in portugal we pay more taxes than any other european country. Everything costs more.. fuel included.
So Ive come to understand portuguese are the european slaves (and spain in second place with better conditions than portugal but still worse than the rest of europe).
On topic: After I bought a keyboard for my tablet it become even better. for me personally as a truck driver I consider tablets as mobile devices while laptops arent. I can stay all day on an ipad while laptop dies much much quicker and to fully utilize the gpu on laptop you need to plug it in cigarrete lighter and as I mentioned earlier is not possible to have the truck motor/engine burning fuel for hours just cause I want to game on my pause. My boss wont allow it haha.
Honestly prefer the laptop now. Although it's quite as good as the Switch when hooking up to the TV, lots of bluetooth and problematic pc ports.
I have all three with different uses for each one.
Tablet - for putt-putting around town. General purpose Web-surfing and watching movies.
Desktop PC - for primary gaming and productivity at home. It's the hub for my other gadgets.
Laptop - primary PC when I'm on the road. Obviously, I also take my tablet with me. Gaming is limited to older games (Far Cry 3, STALKER, Crysis 3, etc). But, that's fine.
I have more recent games such as Fallout 4 and Far Cry 5 on the wife's more powerful laptop. But, the laptop is hers, not mine. I can't always count on her letting me use it.
@pcmasterrace69: im from the UK and I work at manchester airport only.
So no traffic and its classed as private land so no tachograph.
Its also shift work so you know when your going to finish.
Onoy downside is if you really like driving, you don't do a lot of it, I spend most my time in the aircraft or loading back at base.
Giod job for me I didnt like real driving work
I prefer a full desktop experience. I have 3 monitors both at home and work. It's amazing how much even a second monitor can improve productivity. I bought second monitors for everyone at work.
A laptop is acceptable when I have to work elsewhere.
For the life of me I cannot do anything productive on a tablet. Simple games, maybe a reference or as a secondary interface to software are the only uses I can think of.
i would prefer a laptop IF it had the upgradability of a desktop. I would love a fully modular laptop where i can just pop into a shop and upgrade the CPU/GPU/RAM/Mobo/chassis/screen as i wish and everyrhing is interchangable.
i have a gaming laptop and the CPU in it is still great (an i7 4700MQ) but the GPU (a gtx 780M) lets it down a bit in modern games. it's not awful but kepler did not age well. i would love to go online and just buy a new GPU for it (it uses an MXM module for the GPU so it is easy to remove even) but i can't. even if i could find a newer GPU firmware blocks the upgrade. messing with that can brick the laptop. so thats a real shame.
i would prefer a laptop as it gives me the flexability to be portable while also offering pretty darn close to a desktop experience (you can cram some pretty hefty hardware in a laptop form factor). just connect it to a big screen and keyboard and mouse and do whatever you would do with a desktop (i mean a laptop is still a PC at the end of the day).
But at the mo i use a desktop most of the time but i use it in a living room setting. its connected to a TV and my keyboard and mouse are on my lap. it's still the best way to browse the internet, play games and its not to shabby at the ol video watching either.
tablets are grand for videos but thats all i use mine for.
@pyro1245: I think the productivity on a tablet is pretty slim for me also. All the swiping around really drives me insane if I'm doing any type of work on it. Plus, if you're laying down it's not really the best way to get into that "working mindset." lol. So, to conclude, I love my tablet for everything else except work related stuff.
It depends on what my purpose is. If I'm doing professional graphic or photography editing work, I prefer the desktop. If I'm just browsing the internet or doing whatever personal leisure activity, a laptop is quite nice. Most recently my laptop crapped out on me for being an old machine, so I'm limited to my desktop for now.
A laptop combined with a docking station is what I use at work.
My personal laptop I don't have a docking station for (I don't think it can connect to one), but I connect it to a monitor, keyboard, and mouse when I need to do actual work for what is basically the same experience. I mostly use it for homework and as a media server. It's nice to have the mobility if I need it, but increasingly I do not need to take my laptop anywhere opting instead for my phone.
Because of my chromecast and a larger phone screen, a tablet has less and less of a place in my life. It's not all that great for work, my phone has a screen large enough, and nice enough for most video content, and when it doesn't it's usually because the video is too long to hold a phone the entire time and I just cast it to my tv anyways. Besides, I probably wouldn't spend time watching an entire movie anywhere else besides my tv regardless of where I was currently at.
Laptop: I'm almost never home. Need a laptop to run the business. So this wins. Have a Macbook Pro.
PC: Love it when I'm home but can barely use my rig.
Tablet: I have an iPAD, but I honestly never use it. Only time is when I'm travelling and my laptops battery is dead or something.
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